Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Femicide in Guatemala Essay
Femicide in Guatemala â€Å"Six women and girls were killed in Guatemala last week in one day alone. Two of the girls, about 6 and 12 years old, were found strangled to death in a street in the capital Guatemala City wearing their pajamas†(Moloney 1). Guatemala has the third highest rate of Femicide in the world. Femicide is defined as the killing of a woman by a man because she is a female. In Guatemala, a significantly high number of femicide cases have been reported and I strongly believe that this is a very troublesome and unhealthy issue for the population. More than 3800 females have been murdered in Guatemala since the year 2000 and this is just the official number. This clearly suggests that numerous innocent women are tortured and killed by men each day throughout the region. Another report suggests that 512 women were killed between January 1 and October 16 in the year 2012 alone and this is after a 10 percent decline from the previous year. (PCUSA, 1) Most of these cases were reported in the province of Guatemala, which includes the country’s largest city and capital. The fact that this number is still so high despite the drop suggests what an urgent issue this is. There are various reasons for this violent victimization of women throughout Guatemala and is becoming an increasingly pressing issue which needs serious attention. It has been reported that this region is one of the unsafe areas in the world for women. Each day countless women are raped, mutated, forced into sexual slavery and abortions, sterilized and murdered. This creates a sense of fear among the entire population and makes them more submissive to this brutality. Men and women throughout the country live their lives in immense anxiety and stress of losing the women that they love. One of the main concerns regarding femicide is impunity, meaning that most of these cases are not brought to trial. Reports suggest that only 1%-2% of femicide cases are prosecuted whereas criminals have a 98% to 99% chance of completely escaping any punishment or prosecution. This poses a huge problem because women don’t get the justice that they deserve and criminals easily escape. This is very unfair for the innocent women who are victims of such crimes because their offenders don’t receive the punishment that they deserve. Another main reason for this exigent issue is the inability of the Guatemalan authorities to ensure the safety of women. This is to say that the Guatemalan government is so corrupt that they are unable to provide security for women and with the extremely high rate of impunity it is almost impossible for women to find justice. Now, it is very important to understand why these gender specific crimes exist in the region. One of the main reasons for this violent targeting of women goes back to the â€Å"Guatemalan government and military’s 36 year old genocidal counterinsurgency campaign against the country’s Mayan population†(Mychalejko 1). This is to say that the reason behind this problem of femicide exists to destroy the intricate social bonds of Mayan communities. Additionally, â€Å"Gender violence not only terrorizes women in the community, but it also disrupts traditional patriarchal gender relations by sending the message to men that they are not capable of protecting women†(Mychalejko 1). I find this medium of using gender violence to target an indigenous population very disappointing. It is not ethical for a population to kill thousands of women in order to get even with a community. Further, it is believed that this harsh behavior against women is really effecting the male population because such incidents happen so frequently that they are becoming insensitive to such incidents. Men in the Guatemalan society have become normalized to such reports and this can be seen because the crimes are continuing to become more inhumane and frequent. As mentioned above, one of the primary reasons for this ongoing violence against women is the Guatemalan Civil war, which left behind harsh memories of violence and impunity. The increased militarization cause by the ongoing war on drugs also continues to contribute to these high femicide rates. Guatemala is one of the regions strongly involved in the drug trade and thus women are used as collateral damage in the battle between gangs. Additionally, the economic and political climate in the region is not very stable and thus the land a resource conflict also contributes to these innocent deaths. Lastly, it has also been found that the increased involvement of foreign governments, especially US and Canada play an important role in this violence targeted to women. Basically, the Guatemalan government uses the targeting of women as a â€Å"tactical and deliberate tool of political repression (Mychalejko 2). In my personal opinion, not only is this very disturbing but it is also very unfair. Women play an important role in building a society and this unnecessary violence against them is very alarming. Using women as a bait to target the bigger economic and political issues is unethical and should not be practiced by any government. It is impossible for women to find hope and justice in a society where such high impunity exists. This continues to be a never-ending cycle for thousands of innocent women who lose their lives, while the people responsible are let free. Overall this is an absolute shame and mockery of the system. The Guatemalan civil war really contributes to these high rates of gender violence in the country. The aftermath of the war left more than 200,000 Guatemalans murdered, most of who were indigenous. Also, thousands were raped, tortured, disappeared and displaced. The most disappointing part however, is that over 98 percent of the people who engaged in these war crimes were left free. It is this lack of justice that left criminals in the country in power and innocent victims hurt. Therefore, these high rates of femicide are to inform the local population about this harsh past and to remind them that justice has not yet come. In conclusion, I think that we must all focus our attention to this increasing issue of femicide in Guatemala. In the recent times, as the political repression against women in increasing, they are becoming more active in order to prevent femicide. For example, â€Å"In Guatemala it has been proven that as more women participate politically and socially, it brings out more repression. An example is the recent attempt on the life of [the aforementioned anti-mining activist] Yolanda Oqueli†(Mychalejko 3). Yolanda is a leader of FRENAM, a movement that aims to defend land from expansion activities. She was returning home from a peaceful protest when she was shot. I believe that this issue of femicide is one that needs immediate attention. It is absolutely wrong and immoral to use a country’s women as a way of gaining political control. Additionally, the Guatemalan government is extremely corrupted and has a very high rate of impunity, which in turn, allows criminals to go free and possibly even commit the crime again. I suggest that the citizens of the world acknowledge this and do an intervention throughout the region. It is high time that women not be used as a bait to target men or to settle past scores. Women are an integral part of any society and deserve respect and security.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Ethical Decision Making Paper
In this paper I will examine the relationship of a school psychologist and the relationship of his client and how boundaries were crossed when the school psychologist entered a sexual relationship with his minor client. To complete this assignment, the ethical dilemma will be discussed, the 14 steps in the ethical decision making process will be applied, further I will briefly discuss the importance of ethical decision making in professional psychology. Ethical Dilemma. A psychologist working in the Baltimore City Public School System with middle school students in the Promoting Respect Integrity Discipline Education (PRIDE) Program starts to develop sexual feelings toward one of the young male student’s. At first the psychologist could resist his temptations for wanting to engage in sexual activities with the young man, but the more time he spent with the student the stronger his desires became. The psychologist finds ways to meet with the student alone and he builds a trusting relationship with him and his mother. He accomplishes this by offering to be a mentor/big brother to the student because the mother is a single parent. The mother was appreciative that the psychologist was spending time with her son, by helping him with his homework, taking him to the movies, and helping to purchase school supplies. The psychologist convinced the mother to allow him to give the boy a cell phone claiming that the boy and his mother could stay in contact because the mother worked overtime, and the child would be home alone. The mother agreed to this, not thinking there was anything to the relationship. The psychologist continues to buy his client gifts and take him out to dinner and to the movies. The school psychologist finds that the boy loves dogs and asks the boy if he wanted a job after-school and on the weekends walking his dogs, he convinced the boy by taking the job they could spend more time together. The boy tells his mother about the job and the mother agrees to this and finally the psychologist asks the mother if he could take the boy on a weekend camping trip, which the mother agrees. It was on the camping trip the psychologist expresses his feelings toward the boy and the boy shares his feelings toward the psychologist and he and the boy engage in sexual relations. The sexual relationship continues the rest of the school year and throughout the summer. When the new school year begins the psychologist is still engaging in sexual relations with the student, begins to develop feelings for another student and starts spending less time with the first young man, as a result of this the boy starts acting out in class, not doing his homework, failing his test, fighting with the other students, and he becomes aggressive toward the psychologist. As a result of the boy’s acting out behaviors a parent conference is scheduled, the boy reveals that he and the psychologist have been engaging in sexual relations for the past seven to eight months. A formal investigation is conducted and it comes out that the psychologist has been spending time with the young man outside of the school, the young man spent several nights at the psychologist home, the boy told how the psychologist took him to Delaware for a weekend trip when the mother thought the boy was staying the weekend with his grandmother. The psychologist even allowed the young man to drive his car on several occasions. When the psychologist was confronted with these allegations, he broke down and confessed that he and the young man were in love and that the sex was consensual. The psychologist was arrested, fired from his job, lost his license, his apartment, and he has to register as a child sex offender. When the information was released by the media several other young boy’s came forth from different schools stating that he had a sexual relationships with the psychologist as well. The young man and his mother had to relocate to another state, he and his mother are in family counseling with a female psychologist who works with youth who have been molested. Steps in Ethical Decision Making According to Pope and Vasquez (2007), there are 18 steps used in the ethical decision making process, and these steps serve as a guide for every professional psychologist. The steps are available to help the psychologist know when he or she must think through and know how to respond appropriately to an ethical dilemma, how to take responsibility for his or her actions to the response that he or she has made. These steps will also assist the psychologist in coming up with a way to see specific aspects of the situation, he or she will be able to consider both the negative and the positive consequences in which an individual could respond, and finally the steps will help the psychologist to develop different approaches to meet the needs of the client. The first 14 steps will be considered in this section as it relates to the role of the psychologist and what boundary issues are. 1) Identify the situation that requires ethical consideration and decision making. The psychologist has developed sexual feelings toward a young male client at the school in which he works. 2) Anticipate who will be affected by your decision. The parties that will be affected is the child, the mother, the psychologist, and any other students which he has had sexual relations with. 3) Figure out whom, if anyone is the client. The young boy is the client, as well as the other boy’s he molested. 4) Assess your relevant areas of competence, and of missing knowledge, skills, experience, or expertise in regards to the relevant aspects of this situation. The psychologist has engaged in this type of behavior before. When he started having these feelings for the client he should have referred the client to the social worker and worked with his other clients. 5) Review relevant formal ethical standards. The psychologist failed to abide by the code of ethics and the ethic codes are very clear about psychologist/client sexual relationships. The ethical standards are helpful in understanding the boundary issues in this particular situation. 6) Review relevant legal standards. In this situation the law states that an adult cannot take a minor across state lines without parental consent. It is illegal for an adult to have sex with a minor. 7) Review the relevant research and theory. The laws are very clear about sex with minors, and transporting minors across state lines. 8) Consider how, if at all, your personal feelings, biases, or self-interest might affect your ethical judgment and reasoning. In this situation the psychologist was moved by his feelings and lost sight of what he was suppose to be doing and that was helping his client deal with his issues as an emotional disturbed individual. His decision to engage in sexual relations with a minor will be frowned upon by his colleagues, society, and the school system. 9) Consider what effects, if any, that social, cultural, religious, or similar factors may have on the situation and on identifying ethical responses. The social, cultural, and religious sectors here disapprove of sexual relations with members of the same sex, and the law clearly states that sex with a minor is illegal, and it is not considered consensual when the child is under 18 years of age. 10) Consider consultation. The psychologist should have been in therapy himself because he needs someone that he can trust to help him resist the urge to have sex with a minor. 11) Develop alternative courses of action. The psychologist should have sought out an individual that he could confide in about his desire to have sex with young boys. He should have also removed himself from working with young boys if he knew that this was a weakness for him. 12) Evaluate the alternative courses of action. The worst possible impact that this situation has is the psychology will lose everything and go to jail. He also has caused harm to the young man which he was trusted to care for. The psychologist violated the trust of the mother, and corrupted the mind of the young man. 13) Try to adopt the perspective of each person who will be affected. The young man who was involved believed that the psychologist loved him; the mother believed that the psychologist really wanted to help her son, and the psychologist was just looking to satisfy his sexual urges of having sex with young men. 14) Decide what to do and then review or reconsider it. In this situation the right thing to do is not engage in sexual relations with a minor. Remove yourself from the equation and avoid working with young men if you know this is a weakness for you. The Importance of Ethical Decision Making In professional psychology ethical decision making is important because it helps to steer the psychologist in the right direction, helping him or her to avoid major pitfalls and getting into dilemma’s that there is no good outcome. Every psychologist must understand that there are lives at stakes and each decision that he or she makes will have a negative or positive effect not only on him or her, and the client but also on all parties closely related to the client. Conclusion In conclusion the relationship between the school psychologist and the young male client who he had sexual relations with was analyzed. The psychologist violated the ethical codes and standards by engaging and acting on his sexual feelings toward a minor client. He further violated the trust of the young man and his mother who believed that the psychologist was helping the young man, but rather he created more harm than good. The steps in the ethical decision making process were applied and the importance of ethical decision making was discussed.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Judiciary of Indian Subcontinent Essay
The present legal and judicial system of Bangladesh owes its origin mainly to two hundred years British rule in the Indian Sub-Continent although some elements of it are remnants of Pre-British period tracing back to Hindu and Muslim administration. It passed through various stages and has been gradually developed as a continuous historical process. The process of evolution has been partly indigenous and partly foreign and the legal system of the present day emanates from a mixed system which has structure, legal principles and concepts modeled on both Indo-Mughal and English law. The Indian sub-continent has a known history of over five hundred years with Hindu and Muslim periods which preceeded the British period, and each of these early periods had a distinctive legal system of its own. The Hindu period extends for nearly 1500 years before and after the beginning of the Christian era. The ancient India was divided into several independent states and the king was the Supreme authority of each state. So far as the administration of justice was concerned, the king was considered to be the fountain of justice and was entrusted with the Supreme authority of administration of justice in his kingdom. The Muslim period starts with the invasion of the Muslim rulers in the Indian sub-continent in 1100 A.D. The Hindu Kingdoms began to disintegrate gradually with the invasion of Muslim rulers at the end of eleventh and at the beginning of twelfth century. When the Muslims conquered all the states, they brought with them the theory based o n the Holy Quran, their religious book. According to the Holy Quran, sovereignty lies in the hand of Almighty Allah and the king is His humble servant to carry out His will on the earth. The ruler was Almighty’s chosen agent and trustee. The modernization of ancient Indian legal and judicial system took place in the hand of the Britis h people who came here as being trading company under a series of Royal Charters. East India Company gradually established control and possession over Bombay, Madras and Calcutta which were later on known as Presidency Towns. Ultimately the Company participated in administration of justice in co-operation with the local authorities. The Charter of 1726 issued by King George-I, by way of granting Letters Patent to the Company, was the first gateway to introduce English legal and judicial system in India. Later on, Charter of 1753 was issued by King George-II with a view to remove the defects of the Charter of 1726. To improve the system, the secret committee of House of Commons intervened, and passed the Regulation Act, 1773 under which the King issued a separate Charter of 1774 establishing the Supreme Court of judicature at Calcutta. Subsequently, Supreme Courts were established in Madras in 1801 and in Bombay in 1824. In 1853, the first Law Commission was established in India and an all India legislature was created whose laws were to be binding on all Courts. East India Company was dissolved and the Government of India was taken over by the British Crown in 1858, following the event of mutiny in 1857. The Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Penal Code, Evidence Act, etc. were enacted and with this common legal fabric, the British Parliament in 1861 enacted Indian High Courts Act which provided for the establishment of High Courts in three Presidency Towns (Calcutta, Bombay & Madras) replacing the Supreme Court. After the establishment of High Courts a regular hierarchy of Civil and Criminal Courts were established by Civil Courts Act, 1887 and Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 respectively. The present system of Civil and Criminal Court, in Indian sub-Continent has their legal basis by virtue of these Civil Courts Act, 1887 and Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 respectively. The British Parliament declared India & Pakistan as independent dominions on 15 August, 1947 by the Indian Independence Act, 1947. This Act also provide that until the new Constitutions were framed for independent India & Pakistan, the Government of these two countries were to run by the Government of India Act, 1935. Judicial structure mostly remained the same as it was before 1947. The Government of India Act.1935 changed the structure of the Government from unitary to that of federal type. Accordingly, in both India and Pakistan Federal Court was retained to function until new constitutions were framed. Pakistan constituent Assembly passed the privy council (Abolition of Jurisdiction) Act, 1950 which abolished the system of appeal to the Privy Council from the Federal Court of Pakistan. The Federal Court appeared as the highest Court in Pakistan till 1956, when the High courts in the provinces and the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the centre were established under the new Constitution. In Pakistan, the constitution of 1956 was abrogated in 1958 and another one was introduced in 1962, but the whole judicial structure remained all the same. After liberation in 1971, Bangladesh adopted its Constitution in 1972, which provides the structure and functioning of the Supreme Court comprising with the High Court Division and the Appellate Division. Needless to say that in Bangladesh the sub-ordinate judiciary both in Civil and Criminal side originated from Civil Court Act, 1887 and Criminal Procedure Code, 1898. Apart from this, in Bangladesh there are some other special laws providing for the basis of some special courts, such as labor court, Juvenile Court, Administrative tribunal etc.
Critically evaluate what problems are caused by drugs among youth Essay
Critically evaluate what problems are caused by drugs among youth population in UK - Essay Example There are many problems that affect young users of drugs in United Kingdom. In this essay we will present such problems that are a consequence of drug use among the younger population and some remedies will also be suggested. Problems Caused by Drugs Drug use is extremely detrimental for the society as well as the user of drug. It harms the society by increasing anti social behavior and it is health wise perilous for the user of drugs. The problems caused by drugs multiply when the abuse of drugs is done by younger people. Drug use among youth of United Kingdom is a big problem for the country. The problems caused by drug use among youth are increasing in United Kingdom. Below we will highlight some main problems of drug abuse. The number of young drug addicts has been increasing quite rapidly in United Kingdom. In 2009 a study concluded that there has been a 12 percent increase in drug users aged 13 to24 in UK in the past two years (Reed, J. & Fairbairn, I. 2009). This shows the ext ent of the problem. Development of media and internet is also giving youth access to information on different drugs and this may be a potent reason for the increase in use of drugs among youth in United Kingdom. ... The crimes conducted by drug users were found to be great in United Kingdom. Around 320,000 drug users were found to be involved in serious criminal activity in UK (Steele, J. 2007). The drug addiction rate of United Kingdom is also the highest in Europe. The main contributors to the addiction rate are the younger people of UK. Criminal activities cost law enforcement agencies a lot while the justice and the prison system also have to suffer as a result of the increasing drug use of younger population in the country. Young people also end up joining gangs and many are then involved in the trafficking of same drugs. This is actually increasing the drug problem in United Kingdom and the illicit drug industry is thriving greatly as a result. Young drug addicts are also not able to understand the dangers of their actions. They can easily be inclined to commit violent crimes because of their immature thinking. They are not able to do a cost benefit analysis and can commit crimes just for fun. Drug problems in youth actually lead them to criminals and then these criminal groups manipulate them. This adds to the overall stream of criminal activities in the country. Criminal gangs are fueled by the younger population and drug addiction is one way in which naive youngster fall prey to illicit activities in the society. The reported number of drug offences has decreased in 2010 by 1 percent as compared to the previous year but this decrease only tells us that the policing practice has changed regarding drug offenses (Home Office UK, 2011). This decrease does not mean that drug offenses have decreased rather this show a decrease in reporting of drug offenses. This is another problem of drug use among the youth in United Kingdom. The culture of drugs is
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Diagnosis of the Situation of Google Research Paper
Diagnosis of the Situation of Google - Research Paper Example According to the research in this era of globalization and industrialization, introduction of information technology (IT) has changed the entire scenario of business world. IT is the technique which is mainly concerned with the technology in order to deal with varied types of information. It mainly deals with attainment, processing, storage and distribution of verbal, graphic, textual and numerical facts with the help of microelectronic techniques such as computers. IT mainly includes wide ranges of computer software, programming language and hardware, which transmit information into visual design with the help of multimedia. Thus, it can be depicted that introduction of internet services enabled the connection of several worldwide users into a single framework with the help of ‘internet protocol suites’ (IPS). IT or more specifically, internet service acted as a revolution, which changed the entire global economy. IT is one of the most successful strategies whose implem entation enhanced the market share and the brand recognition of many search engines namely Google, MSN, AOL, Yahoo and Ask Jeeves among others. Besides, Google is the most reputed player in this context. IT has created high impact on the global environment, which eased both individual and business activities thereby augmenting the pace of growth of varied search engines. Google Inc. is a reputed multinational corporation of the United States of America specializing in software and internet based services. It has gained worldwide prominence due to it service of online search engine, which is utilized by varied users all around the world in order to accumulate various information and facts. It mainly operates through online websites and file transfer protocol (FTP) servers, which are vital for the transmission of varied facts and figures from one place to the other. Google web exploration engine is primly owned by Google Inc. The prime objective of Google web exploration engine is to investigate several information and data in numerous online web pages. Moreover, it also helps in interconnecting individuals located far apart. Prior to the implementation of IT, the business scenario of Google was entirely different as compared to recent times. Prior to ‘ bubble’, in the year 2000, the market share of Google was lower than one percent (The Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations, 2007). Google Inc. gained momentum after the introduction of IT techniques as one of its corporate strategies. After implementation of IT, the brand image and recognition of Google enhanced to a larger extent, which proved rather beneficial for the organization. It helped to improve the profitability of Google by US$100 billion, thereby positioning itself as the market leader among others. The market share also increased by 57.81 percent by 2004 and it increased to about 66.63 percent by the year 2006, which is quite noteworthy (The Center for R esearch on Information Technology and Organizations, 2007). Hence, it can be depicted that the identity and uniqueness of Google altered due to the adaptation of IT tactics. Problems/Issues That Need To Be Addressed Although Google is a reputed and renowned organization in the world, it is facing quite a few problems,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Grammer & Academic Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Grammer & Academic Writing - Essay Example The writer feels that his grammar has improved due to his constant usage of the language itself – be it in the form of written, spoken or reading comprehension. The hard work usually pays at the end on the part of the writer since he has been able to suggest quite a few changes to his repertoire of the vocabulary that he possessed back then (when he was starting on improving his grammatical acumen) and now. The change has been pretty obvious as he has taken giant strides and completely changed the way he sees the language as a result of the same undertakings. He has liked the whole concept of acquainting himself in line with learning the intricacies involved with grammar usage. However the strengths and weaknesses exist side by side and since man is always bent on a learning curve, the writer feels that there is still a long way to go before he could consider himself a fully developed native speaker, writer and a reader of repute. The strengths have been in the area of correct usage of nouns, pronouns, adverbs and adjectives. The writer has noticed that he is putting the required words at the end of the sentences where he used to fumble in the beginning of his quest. He has determined his weaknesses within this area and understood the manner by which the same have started to blossom as his strengths. This is surely a positive sign and suggests some good things for the future as far as acquainting himself with the language is concerned. In the end, the writer feels that he needs to back up his claims of improving his grammar by reading books, newspapers and above all, using the language with the people that he meets up with on a daily basis. He has to be proactive in his approach of the language so that his grammar improves and he starts to speak and write in a fluent manner. It is a given that this fluency would look good if correct usage of grammar is assured,
Friday, July 26, 2019
The 9th grade girls at Apopka High School are not comfortable with Research Proposal
The 9th grade girls at Apopka High School are not comfortable with their changing bodies. They feel unattractive and insecure an - Research Proposal Example Most importantly, some studies have shown that girls’ tend to develop positive character, including improved self-esteem and confidence, as a result of participating in sports (Scottish Executive, 2003; Strong et al., 2005). Brief overview of the plan The study will start with identification of the problem, then a review of the literature. Thereafter, a field study will be conducted in 10 schools, specifically involving 100 Fifth-Grade female Students. The researcher will ask both open-ended and closed-ended questions, which will help identify different factors that are associated with girl’s participation and lack of participation in sports. As such, the data that will be collected will be both qualitative and quantitative. The analysis of the quantitative data will rely on SPSS for analysis, with regression analysis and descriptive statistics being performed. Nvivo software will be used to categorize qualitative data, especially by identifying common themes. The resea rcher will use purposive sampling to identify the 10 schools and simple sampling in choosing the students that will participate. A purposeful sampling (also called judgmental sampling) is based on the fact the researcher is capable of selecting the schools that are effectively suited to meet the purpose of the study (Ritchie, Lewis, & Elam, 2003). The sample, though seemingly small, is a reasonable for the research purpose because most of the girls in different schools have many commonalities and hence no need to choose a very large sample. The program evaluation will take them form of check list filling, whereby the success of different goals will be identified. The achievement of the goals will be gauged by a rank art scale, which will be assigned 1-5 points for the purpose of quantification. Validity is important in assessing the accuracy and credibility of the data used in this study, which is also critical in ensuring that the results of a research are not biased. In other word s, validity will ensure that the study’s assessment and measurement process achieves the intended goal, or rather what is intended to be measured. To improve validity in this study, the researcher will uphold accuracy and credibility of information by selecting well-designed instruments. There are two types of validity, which according to Garson (2008) includes internal and external validity. The biases that are likely to affect the results of this study are the major threats to internal validity. Examples of such biases include subjectivity, researcher's biases, inflexible knowledge related to the theoretical framework and blind spots (Creswell, 2005). The research will be charged with the responsibility of reducing these biases in order to ensure validity of the study. According to Trochim (2006), external validity is related to the extent to which the results of the study can be generalized in other conditions. Since this study is faced with threats to external validity, i t cannot be generalized outside Atlanta area. Some of the reasons for lack of generalization to other areas include the fact that the demography of Atlanta area is different from other areas in the country. The research will use a triangulation technique to validate the results of the interviews. This will involve application of a number of data validation techniques such as backing up of the evidence from different individuals, using overlapping perspective and pieces of evidence, and authenticating information using several forms of
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Operations and Project management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Operations and Project management - Assignment Example Coca Cola is most popular and famous soft drink brand. Coca Cola has implemented several innovative and unique operational strategies. These strategies have enhanced the manufacturing, processing, and distribution. It is known to all that the organization has faced several problems regarding the quality of product, but they are trying to overcome the challenges by effective quality management of cold drink products. This essay will analyze the operation and project management activities of Coca Cola. Operations Performance The operation performance of Coca Cola is quite significant and effective. Due to effective operational strategies the organization has become the leading player within the industry. Coca Cola has achieved several competitive advantages due to effective supply chain management strategies. Effective resource utilization is the major strength of Coca Cola. Starting from the collection of raw materials to product delivery, Coca Cola has implemented several advanced te chnologies in their business process (Liu, 2012, p.133). The organization follows decentralized manufacturing and product delivery process. It is known to all that Coca Cola has several manufacturing plants in the leading cities around the globe. Moreover, they have established their warehouses near the manufacturing plants and distribution centres. ... The fuel efficient logistics trucks help to reduce the emission level. Moreover, implementation of advanced technology helps Coca Cola to reduce the usage of energy in the business operation. Application of PDA service in the inventory management system helped the organization to keep the track of stocks in appropriate way. Some of the products of Coca Cola were facing various health and quality related issues. The government of several countries banned the manufacturing and marketing of these products. It affected the business performance and brand image of Coca Cola. In order to overcome these critical issues, the organization tried to improve the quality of cold drink products by reducing the carbon footprint. The organization is trying to focus on the corporate social responsibility. They are trying to maintain zero solid waste by recycling the products. Moreover, effective water recycle strategy reduced the water consumption and energy consumption level of Coca Cola. Coca Cola o rganizes various environment awareness programmes in order to reduce the emission level (Epstein and Birchard, 2007, p.127). Sustainable packaging strategy will help Coca Cola to practice effective and sustainable business operation in global market place. Operations Strategy The organization uses almost 300 billion litres of water in a year. It helps them to enable their supply chain resource for its different products. Effective and sustainable use of water helps the organization to increase its core competency in global market place. Climate change is one of the most potential environmental threats that can affect the future generation. Therefore, in order to reduce this critical environmental threat the organization is trying to minimize the usage of energy (Hill and Jones, 2009,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The American colonization, on the eve of Revolution Essay
The American colonization, on the eve of Revolution - Essay Example A few years later, the parliament passed the Tea Act to save the East Indian Company from bankruptcy. It removed all the duties on tea exported by the British thus giving them undue advantage over other exported tea to America. On the day, the first shipments of the tea arrived in Boston, three members of the Sons of Liberty dressed as Indians boarded the ships and threw all the tea into the sea later known as the Boston Tea Party. For the first time, leaders of the twelve colonies, excluding Georgia met in Philadelphia and convened the First Continental Congress to create a single unified stand and response to the laws and policies passed by the British Parliament. Through the congress, they filed a petition called the Declaration of Rights and Grievances to the British king. At the height of the revolution, all of the thirteen colonies convened again as Second Continental Congress. An Anglo-American philosopher in the name of Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet entitled â€Å"Common Sense†and asked whether â€Å"a continent should be ruled by an island†. Only a few Loyalist Americans then were ready and willing to defend Great Britain. This was due to the continuing clashes between the Patriots and British troops. The Patriots then were the primary army who are fighting against the British. These clashes further advanced the growth of American patriotism. The Second Continental Congress took the ultimate steps. They organized an army to continue the fight called the Continental Army with George Washington as the commander-in-chief. The Patriots then were the staunch supporters of the continuing revolution while the Loyalists would still want to be part of the British Empire. Most of the Loyalists then were wealthy and politically powerful people in the American society. These include the merchants, lawyers and landowners. And the Patriots were
HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY QUESTION - Assignment Example Typical causes of infertility in female entail; autoimmune disorder, cancer, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, old age, intrauterine growth such as fibroids, clotting disorders, pelvic infection, poor nutrition and surgery to prevent pregnancy for example tubal ligation. The most common cause of infertility is impotence and hormonal imbalance. Treatment of infertility depends on the cause. Emotional causes can be prevented through education and counseling. If the cause of infertility is infections, then infection treatment can be considered an effective remedy. Various options have emerged regarding treatment of infertility. Medication such as hormonal injection can help restore the hormonal balance hence increasing chances of fertility. Artificial insemination entails inserting a donated sperm cell into the womb of a woman with an intention of treating infertility and allowing fertilization to take place (Lumley& Judith, 30). In vitro fertilization is a method of fertility treatment which involves combing sperm and egg outside the body and transferring the embryo into the uterus after fertilization. Surrogate pregnancy entail the transfer of an embryo made by combining both the male and female gamete into the womb of another woman in cases where the biological mother is unable to carry the pregnancy as a result of compli cations. Complication such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may emerge due to excessive stimulation of the ovaries as a treatment for infertility. The signs of the syndrome are to be detected earlier for effective treatment. Use of certain drugs to stimulate the ovary has been known to increase the risk of cancer. Egg removal during in vitro fertilization can result to injuries to other organs and sometimes pelvic infection. Other complications involve ectopic pregnancy and heterotopic pregnancy. Symptom in male includes presence of warts on the penis or the scrotum area while female may have the warts
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Feminist organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Feminist organizations - Essay Example Accordingly, the following brief analysis will make an inventory of each of these aspects as a function of further delineating and defining the National Organization for Women. Firstly, the website which was analyzed denoted that fact that the ultimate goal of the group was to take immediate action for the equality of women. Although this is specifically tied to the manner in which women’s issues and women’s rights are exhibited within the United States, the group also seeks to effect change in various regions around the globe on behalf of women and their needs/rights. The mission statement itself further seeks to hone the areas of focus that NOW seeks to integrate with. Accordingly, the mission statement is as follows, â€Å"the purpose of NOW is to take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now, exercising all privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal partnership with men†(NOW 1). Similarly, with regards to the political orientation of the group, the website itself promotes the understanding that the group is specifically interested in engaging in actions that promote women’s rights, feminism, anti-racism, ending homophobia, promoting LGBT rights, and promoting reproductive rights. As might be easily inferred, the group generally promotes a more liberal interpretation of the political paradigm; siding more often than not with liberal and progressive elements within the United States and typically aligning with the Democratic party. However, with that being said, it must also be understood that NOW does not promote any one single political party; rather, their interests are supra-political and the group only sides with more progressive and liberal ideologies due to the fact that these most specifically represent the goals and ends that the group is trying to effect. With such a constraining level of missions and values, the group is invariably at
Monday, July 22, 2019
My Sisters Keeper Essay Example for Free
My Sisters Keeper Essay My Sister’s Keeper is a movie about a young girl named Anna (Abigail Breslin) whose life was brought to be for a very important purpose. She was born into a loving family with two adoring parents that made the decision to have another child in the hopes of saving the life of older their daughter that has leukemia. Throughout the entire movie the family and therefore the audience is presented with love, laughter and many emotional moral issues. Just like in real life there are many ups and downs and obstacles to be overcome. Some of moral dilemmas the characters face include stem cell research, at what age can children start making life changing decisions life for themselves and euthanasia to an extent. Wikipedia defines stem cell controversy as â€Å"the ethical debate primarily concerning the creation, treatment, and destruction of human embryos incident to research involving embryonic stem cells†1. In this movie the creation of the human embryo was done by the parents and done so in the natural way. Although created from love, the results were still the same. From the time Anna was born she had gone through numerous and painful surgeries. In my opinion the surgeries were justified lifesaving and miraculous surgeries that provided the entire family with memories they can all cherish after Kate’s- Anna’s older sister (Sofia Vassilleva) passing. However as Kate got older and developed her own voice additional and perhaps unseen problems emerged. She was screaming to be heard about how she felt about the decisions made about her life and was being ignored. So she decided that Anna was old enough and strong enough to fight for her rights regardless of her age. The subject of what age a children can start making life altering choices fall upon two of the characters in this movie. We, the audience are lead to believe that Anna whom is eleven has decided that’s enough is enough- as she exclaims to an attorney that she’s trying to hire â€Å"I want to sue my parents for the right to my own body.†As the attorney, played by Alec Baldin read her medical history we get the sense that this all has gone too far. Something that was meant to be miraculous has somehow turned into something almost tortious and something that no parent in their right mind would put their child through. So therein lies the main debate of the move, Is Anna old enough and wise enough to make decisions about her own life and body. However later we discover it isn’t Anna who is seeking her independents, it’s her sister Kate. At 15, Kate has also spent the majority of her life in and out of surgery, as well as watching her family hurt from the pain that she’s experiencing. So she’s the one who is struggling to be heard since her parents are the ones able to make medical decisions for her and her sister. Kate has convinced her little sister Anna to no longer agree to any more surgeries to help prolong her life. This to many, including her mother (Cameron Diaz) is a form of suicide. There is such a fine line separating suicide from not accepting medical assistants to save your life. After my own life experiences I would have to agree that Kate has the right to choose when her life ends. I could only imagine, as we all could ONLY imagine not having been in that situation. I don’t honestly believe one would know how they would react until in that position themselves. There seem to be countless things to consider when considering ending your life. Mainly I would think it would be the loved ones you’re leaving behind. They will be the ones left her to face the pain of losing the person they love. In this movie the person that seems to struggle the most with the idea of loss is the person that seemed to fight the hardest, Sara, the mother. Thankfully they offer a light at the end of the tunnel. Although Kate is no longer alive her spirit seems to live. There is a new found sparkle that develops in her families eyes after time is allowed to heal some of their wounds. Leading the audience to believe that perhaps there is a peace that is brought when the suffering ends. This movie was nothing less than an emotional rollercoaster that left my mind spinning with questions for myself many hours after watching it. Although many people in class that felt a lot of anger towards the mother in the film, again I go back to no one would really know what they’d do until in that position. She was faced with an issue and dealt with it the best and only way she knew how- her way. In my opinion morality and ethics seem to come down to a lot of judgments and theories on what we’d do if that situation happened to us. As I’ve gotten older and with what I’ve experienced I believe that besides myself I only have one person to answer to and that’s my Lord and Savior and on the day I have to answer for what I’ve done, I truly believe if it was done with Him in my heart then I’ll have given the right answers.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Cultural Influences on Accounting and Its Practices
Cultural Influences on Accounting and Its Practices 1. Introduction Recent research in comparative accounting has led to a number of interesting theories and models that have attempted to analyse the causal factors behind the evolution of dissimilar accounting and financial systems in different countries. These diverse ways of accounting are in the process of being harmonised because of global business imperatives, and international accounting bodies are trying to bring about convergence between the accounting systems of different countries.[1] The work of Geert Hofstede[2] on cultural effects on accounting development, expanded and elaborated by Gray[3] later in his theory of cultural relevance in the formation of accounting systems is one of the more discussed models of comparative accounting. It is the purpose of this assignment to elaborate on this model and use it to analyse the differences in the development of accounting in China and Japan in the late nineteenth century. 2. The Hofstede-Gray Framework The broad framework for this model was created by Hofstede, but later adapted by Gray to explain the influence of culture on accounting systems. While, the normal practice is to treat these two models separately, a joint reference makes it much simpler to explain and use. The Hofstede-Gray model fist lays down the argument and then goes on to elaborate the various premises that support the theory. It is essentially deductive in nature and logical in its approach. Hofstede, in 1980, developed a model of culture that distinguishes members of one human group from another and stated that culture manifests itself at four levels, symbols, heroes, rituals and values, all of which work towards â€Å" accounting systems to vary along national cultural lines†[4] His theory was further modified during the next ten years. In1984 he expounded the four very interesting dimensions of culture, which vary from one group to another and consist of Individualism V Collectivism, Large V Small Power Distance, Strong V Weak Power Avoidance and Masculinity V Femininity. These, he said are the most common societal preferences that distinguish one society from another. Societies which prefer individualism consist of people who live in small units and prefer to look after their very own, whereas collectivism represents a social structure where relationships are interlinked and people expect their larger extended clan of relatives to look after them in exchange of loyalty. Power distance represents the extent to which its members accept the inequality in distribution of power. Large power distance societies are thus essentially unquestioningly hierarchical in nature. Uncertainty avoidance represents the degree to which members of society are ready to accept uncertainty and vagueness. The lesser the acceptance of uncertainty the stronger is the rigidity of thought and belief in a particular society and its resistance to change. Masculinity, in a society, stands for its dominant preference for achievement, heroism and similar symbols while femininity is associated with qualities like compassion, care for the weak and quality of life. In 1991,[5] Hofste de added another dimension that dealt with Short Term V Long Term Orientation. Short term orientation stood for values like speedy achievement of social status, overspending and a concern for quick results whereas long term orientation looked at gradual achievement of results, a thrifty approach towards savings and an adaptation of tradition to meet modern needs. In 1998, Gray took up Hofstede’s cultural hypotheses and linked them to the development of accounting systems in a meaningful way, stating that cultural or societal values permeated through organisational and occupational subcultures, and vice versa, though obviously the degree of integration differed from place to place. â€Å"Accounting systems and practices can influence and reinforce societal values†.[6] These basic premises were succeeded by the formulation of four hypotheses on the relationship between specifically identified cultural characteristics and the development of accounting systems. a) Professionalism versus statutory control: This cultural value denotes an inclination for the exercise of individual professional judgment and self-regulation as opposed to observance of authoritarian lawful needs and legislative writ. As such, the higher a country ranks in terms of individualism and the lower it ranks in terms of uncertainty avoidance and power distance, the more likely it is to rank highly in terms of professionalism. b) Uniformity versus flexibility: This reflects a preference for the enforcement of standardized accounting practices between firms, and for the unswerving use of such practices, vis a vis flexibility in accordance with the perceived circumstances of individual companies, e.g., the higher a country ranks in terms of uncertainty avoidance and power distance and the lower it ranks in terms of individualism, the more likely it is to rank highly in terms of uniformity. c) Conservatism versus optimism: This value results in an inclination for cautiousness in measurement that enables systems to handle the ambiguity of future events, as opposed to a positive, risk-taking approach, thus implying that the higher a country ranks in terms of uncertainty avoidance, the more likely it is to be conservative and resistant to change. d)Secrecy versus transparency: This premise states that an inclination for confidentiality and revelation of information about businesses only to those who are closely concerned with its administration and financing, is linked to higher societal preferences for uncertainty avoidance, power distance and masculinity, The Hofstede-Gray model stands out among various models of comparative accounting for its comprehensiveness in linking culture with the development of various economic tools like accounting systems. 3. The Development of Accounting Systems in China and Japan in the Nineteenth Century Global accounting systems, including the various country GAAPs and the IFRS, is moving towards convergence of accounting systems spurred by the requirements of all transnational players to present one set of financial statements and eliminate multiple reconciliations. Even China, with the introduction of the Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) is putting its state controlled accounting practices aside and moving towards the IFRS. This assignment deals with a similar historical situation in the nineteenth century when aggressive western businesses had begun to dominate eastern trade and commerce and western accounting systems were establishing their predominance in vastly different business cultures. At this time both China and Japan had accounting systems that had developed through centuries and served the purposes of businesses in both countries. In China a primitive method of double entry existed, which permitted the extraction of trial balances and the determination of profit on a cash basis. The country had developed a â€Å"four-leg†accounting system that allowed for the recording of cash and non cash transactions in journals and subsequent posting in ledgers, using double-entry techniques. Despite their availability, these systems were used mainly by banks and large state enterprises. The bulk of businesses continued to use single entry recording techniques and did not provide for differentiation of private and business accounts. Even though the systems were adequate for the running of normal business operations, the needs changed with the emergence of business enterprises from the west and the establishment of joint stock enterprises for coal mining and iron manuf acture. The structure of the new business enterprises required the computation of profit and loss for the purpose of dividends, and asset and depreciation accounting. The indigenous book keeping systems proved to be deficient because of existing practices that depended on trust, the absence of formal source documents, unnumbered books, lack of cross referencing and sequence, lack of differentiation between capital and revenue expenditure and relative unimportance of profit determination. â€Å"In view of their weaknesses, the indigenous bookkeeping systems were of limited use as a basis for internal control.†[7] The development of accounting in neighbouring Japan, had also developed significantly, though on dissimilar lines. While accountants did use a system of double entry in some of the bigger businesses, there was no uniform method of accounting and â€Å"separate bookkeeping methods were developed and kept secret by independent economic powers, such as the Tomiyama, the Tanabes, the Nakais, the Hyogos, the Kondohs, the Honmas, the Hasegawas, the Ishimotos, the Onos, the Kohnoikes, and the Mitsuis.†Methods used thus ranged from the primitive to those that were reasonably adequate. Although the double-entry concept was applied, most Japanese merchants practiced single-entry bookkeeping, called the daifukucho There was no systematic classification of accounts, nor any distinction between capital and revenue expenditures, and the cash basis of accounting was adopted. As in China, the indigenous accounting systems were adequate in a feudal economy where production and distribution were on a small scale [Nishikawa, 1956; Someya, 1989]. [8] The accounting systems of the two countries towards the middle and latter part of the nineteenth century, though developing independently, thus had many things in common. These deficiencies made them inadequate for the purposes of larger joint stock business corporations, brought in by the proliferation of British imperialism in Asia and the commencement of business with the United States. In subsequent years, the responses of China and Japan to these challenges were vastly different. The Chinese businesses steadfastly refused to adopt western accounting technologies and the majority remained with the single entry, four pillar balancing method until the twentieth century; even in companies that made use of large scale western machinery. This led to numerous difficulties and the emergence of widespread defalcation because of lack of control, and also unfortunately to the gradual takeover of businesses by western companies, because of lack of control. â€Å"Not surprisingly, from 1884, the opportunity to gain mercantile support for private investment in kuantu shangpan joint-stock enterprises vanished [Chan, 1996]†[9] In Japan, the response was enormously different. Japanese students travelled in large numbers to the west to to imbibe science, technology and entrepreneurial skills. Accounting modernisation occurred rapidly and â€Å"western-style double-entry bookkeeping was introduced as the foundation on which a capitalist economy could develop.†[10] A number of western accounting books, adequately translated, found their way into japanese markets and nationalised Banks adopted British balance sheets. Legislation was introduced for businesses to adhere to standardized accounting systems and a number of accounting schools started providing qualified accountants to service businesses. The large scale adoption of western accounting by Japan and its rejection by the Chinese has exercised the curiosity of business historians for many years. The answers are now coming through and are related mostly to differences in culture, as put forward by the Hofstede-Gray model. In China political power was centralised, the society was resistant to change, learning was narrow and restricted to Confucianism, and society was in a state of â€Å"bureaucratic feudalism†. The economy was self sufficient and isolationist. In Japan, however, political power was dispersed; the society was open to change and very much dependent on foreign trade. Learning was broad based and the culture pro-merchant. While the continuous political conflict in Japan kept it perpetually unstable it also reduced intolerance and made it much more open to accepting western techniques in accounting. The reasons for the Japanese adoption and Chinese rejection of western accounting principles were largely c ultural and social. While, they contributed largely to the flow of foreign capital and formation of much larger companies in Japan, they also inversely led to the gradual impoverishment of the Chinese economy and the emergence of the communist regime. 4. The Relevance of the Hofstede-Gray Model to the Chinese and Japanese Accounting Systems The Hofstede-Gray model of the influence of culture on the development of accounting systems appears to be perfectly valid in evaluating the divergent behaviour of two different cultures to the same stimuli. Social and cultural patterns in China led to very high levels of Uncertainty Avoidance and Power Distance. The central government had far reaching powers and control. The main activity was agriculture and the primary source of revenue came from land. The scholar bureaucrats were inward looking and not willing to progress beyond Confucian tenets. Bureaucracy was all pervasive and stability in society was maintained despite intermittent conflict. The whole system thus revolved around age old customs and levels of uncertainty avoidance were extremely high. Similarly the land based feudal bureaucracy ensured large levels of power distance and these two factors, along with the isolationist, closed door approach of centuries led to inflexibility, conservatism and secrecy; and the conse quent non-adoption, if not downright rejection of modern western accounting principles. Japan, on the other hand, though not far away from China, had a very different social and cultural milieu. There were a number of economically and politically powerful landowners and these, along with the priesthood that controlled independent Buddhist shrines, were able to successfully disperse political power. The country, unlike China was largely dependent on foreign trade, which resulted in an intellectual open door policy and flexibility towards the requirements of trading partners. The country thus had very low levels of uncertainty avoidance and the dispersion of political power had made people more independent and thereby reduced the power distance. All these factors led to high levels of flexibility, forward thinking optimism and openness to new ideas, as required by the Hofstede-Gray framework, making it much easier to adapt to western accounting systems when the situation demanded. 5. Conclusion Research into comparative accounting is a recent phenomenon and still under great discussion and debate. In fact, Gray’s framework is less than a decade old and has been questioned at length by other experts, with people arguing that the conclusions are subjective and capable of different interpretations. The fact remains that accounting systems have grown in divergent ways between countries that, though physically proximal, are culturally quite divergent. Another major example is that of the UK and The Netherlands, where, despite similar trading, commercial and expansionist practices, accounting systems grew differently, and remained so, until the emergence of the EU and globalisation initiated moves for convergence. The Hofstede-Gray theory thus does appear to give some of the answers to the enigma concerning the adoption of different accounting, financial and even auditing systems between countries which have divergent social and cultural norms. Bibliography Doupnik, T.S., Tsakumis, G .T., and George,t, 2004, A critical review of Gray’s Theory of Cultural Relevance and Suggestions for future research, Retrieved November 18, 2006 from Dr. Geert Hofstede, 2006, The International Business center, Retrieved November 18, 2006 from Gray, S. J. (1988) Towards a Theory of Cultural on the Development of Accounting Influence Systems Internationally. Abacus;, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-15 March 1988 Environmental Influence on Accounting Development, 2001, Retrieved November 18, 2006 from The need for International Accounting Standards, 2000, International Accounting, Retreieved November 18, 2006 from Nobes, C., 1998, â€Å"Towards a general model of the reasons for international differences in financial reporting†Abacus Volume 34 2 1 Footnotes [1] The need for International Accounting Standards, 2000, International Accounting [2] Dr. Geert Hofstede, 2006, The International Business center [3] Doupnik, T.S., Tsakumis, G .T., and George,t, 2004, A critical review of Gray’s Theory of Cultural Relevance and Suggestions for future research [4] Doupnik, T.S., Tsakumis, G .T., and George,t, 2004 [5] Environmental Influence on Accounting Development, 2001 [6] Environmental Influence on Accounting Development, 2001 [7] Environmental Influence on Accounting Development, 2001 [8] Doupnik, T.S., Tsakumis, G .T., and George,t, 2004 [9] Doupnik, T.S., Tsakumis, G .T., and George,t, 2004 [10] Doupnik, T.S., Tsakumis, G .T., and George,t, 2004
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Marketing Strategy Of Newspaper Education Essay
Marketing Strategy Of Newspaper Education Essay Marketing environment of today is not only competitive but equally volatile. Therefore the organizations have to put in everything into it not only to survive but to gain competitive edge. The advent of globalization has placed every premium on organization to shift their focus from competitive advantage to sustainable competitive advantage. It thus becomes important for organization to devise strategy on how to survive. Strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal such as competitive advantage. It reflects the values, expectation, and goal of the organization. To achieve marketing objective of profitable satisfaction customers need, for an organization in high-growth moderately competitive market along with economic growth, a well-developed marketing strategy is required. Such strategy considers portfolio of product and takes into account the anticipated moves of competitors in the market. Marketing strategy Marketing strategy is process of organization to concentrate it limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage with the ultimate goal of customer satisfaction. It is a method of focusing an organizations energies and resources on a course of action which leads to increase sales and target market. Marketing strategy is a wide term which combines product development, promotion, distribution, pricing relation dominance. Marketing strategy is a written plan which combines product development, promotion, distribution and pricing approach that will be achieved within a stated time frame. It determines the choice of the target market segment, positioning, marketing mix and allocation of resources. Marketing strategy is a process of selecting and analyzing a target market and creating as well as maintaining an appropriate marketing mix that will satisfy the target market. It is a long term plan to achieve certain objective. A marketing strategy is therefore a marketing plan to achieve marketing objective. It is detailed planning involving marketing research and then developing marketing mix to delight the customers. Developing strategy involves establishing clear aim objectives around which the framework for policy is created. Having established its strategy, an organization can then work out its day-to-day tools and tactics to meet the objectives. Marketing thus can be seen as the process of developing implementing a strategy to plan co-ordinate ways of identifying, anticipating satisfying customers demand in such a way as to make profit. It is the strategic planning process that lies at the heart of marketing. It helps in integrating an organizations marketing goals, policies and action plan into a cohesive whole. THE TIMES newspaper Position: The Times is a Uks leading news paper covering national news. For much of its history it has been regarded as Britains newspaper of the record is preserved in the British library. The Times began publication in 1785. At that time it was called as Daily universal Registered. Published in broadsheet for over 200 years, the newspaper switched to the tabloid format in 2004 in an effort to better serve the younger reader and to appeal to commuter using public transport. This newspaper is owed by News Corporation; originally an Australian company reincorporated in the US in 2004 and moved its headquarters from Adelaide to New York city. The Time is the original times newspaper, leading its name to many newspaper around the world, which include The Newyork Times, The Times Of India, The Times Of Malta, The Irish Times. The newspaper covers the price in UK is 90ps on weekday and 1.50p on Saturday 2pounds on Sunday which termed as The Sunday Times. History of the news paper: The Times was founded by John Walter on 1stJanuary 1785 as The Daily universal Registered, with Walter in the role of editor. Walter change the title after 940neditions on 1stjanuary 1788 to The Times. In 1803 John Walter handed over the ownership and editorship to his son of the same name John Walter sr. since then the ownership and editorship passed on to many. The Astor family sold The Times to the Canadian media entrepreneur Roy Thomson in 1966. Thomson merged The Times with Sunday times to Times newspaper limited, a subsidiary of news international. News International is entirely owned by the News Corporation group, headed by Rupert Mrdoch on 3rdmay, 1966, The Times began printing news stories on the front page on the paper. The front page had previously been dedicated to advertisement and paid announcement, which had contributed significantly towards the cost of producing the newspaper. The times were closed down from 1stdecember 1978 to 12thNovember, 1979, due to industrial dispute between the Thomson Corporation and print Unions. No times newspaper was printed during this period. Since then the newspaper is printed from Monday to Saturday in compact tabloid formats as of December 2008, it has an average daily circulation of 6,00,962 copies. Long considered the UK newspaper of the record, The Times generally seen as a serious publication with high standard of journalism. The British Business Survey 2005 named The Times as the UKs leading daily newspaper for business newspaper. Importance of strategy in marketing newspaper. Newspaper is unique business and in that competition is the minute-by-minute battle. News is something you dont already know. With net able to supply the information almost instantly, newspaper has little choice but to put everything they publish everyday up on the internet in the hope to keeping people on their site and returning to their site the next day. Strategies for marketing the newspaper have evolved over the years as the concept of cost per unit of circulation, with its inherent incorporation of cost per order and retention, has taken hold. More recently, acceptance of tiered subscription pricing strategies and the valuation of subscribers based upon advertising revenue have added another level of complexity and opportunity. The Times as a newspaper has adopted various marketing strategies to be in competition and to satisfy its reader and also to attract the new reads. Some of the various strategies adopted by The Times. The marketing strategy of the Time as leader in the market was significant in the year 2003 led the times to revolutionize the newspaper industry by lunching the compact version of paper. The strategy of redesigning the paper from broadsheet to compact version was born out of the recognisation that with long working hours, extensive commuting habit many media source there was a need for quality news in a convenient size. Initially the compact version of paper was launch in London with TV postal campaign targeting the busy professionals on move. The campaign idea was rooted in consumers truth, the commuter experience of trying to read broadsheet on train in rush hours. The campaign stressed the benefit of the new compact by illustrating how inconvenient the broadsheet can be. The Time was the forefront of the compact version movement and this vision was rewarded by a significant growth in circulation readership. The Times has enjoyed a substantial circulation increase since the launch, with sales growth in an otherwise declining market. All communication was united by the campaign endline,Its not big but it is clever. The Times adopted the strategy of introducing new innovative ideas for increasing its readership. The Times was the first to launch sport handbook, now produces eight each year covering football, rugby, formulaone,golf,tennis athletic . The main aim of this move was to attract people with high interest in sports (sport fans). Over last 2years The Times commitment to sport has developed significantly with an all star line-up writer from across the sporting spectram. Times also sponsor various activity which includes Sky Business news and The Times bfi London Film Festival for which the newspaper is the lead sponsor. The Times also has a strong portfolio of dedicated sections throughout the week. Screen on Thursdays, a stand-alone film section, which carries the latest film reviews, industry news and gossip. On Friday, Bricks and Mortar presents the latest facts, figures and fantasies from the world of property. Also new in 2003 was the relaunched Saturday Times which included four new sections. The Knowledge, a weekly insiders guide to life in London, The Eye, a guide to whats on the big and small screens, Weekend Review, the intelligent read for high and low brow culture, and Body Soul, a supplement dedicated to health and well-being. Body Soul is the only section of its kind in the UK newspaper market. Promotion strategy of TheTimes The Times promotional strategy is to work closely with branding activity to reinforce the values of the product. As the brand campaign continues to focus on re-appraisal through key editorial areas such as sport, entertainment and health and well-being so too will the promotions. The Times promotional activity has traditionally been communicated through combination of TV and Radio advertisement which ensure targeting specific audience. A second element to The Times promotional strategy is developing and fostering alliance with appropriate partners. For promoting their newspaper The Times for the first time in 17 years replaces its current tagline for The Sunday times as Sunday paper will launch to coincide with papers full color redesign. It will be supported by 3million TV, press outdoor ad campaign. This is mainly done to focus on the diversity of Newspapers audience. According to director of the paper, this marketing strategy will help the newspaper to build customer loyalty rather than encourage one-off sales. According to companys marketing sales director vanneck, the main basing marketing for Sunday times on the reason that people will buy it week-in week-out .they will sail the newspaper on the brand, content, the sub-brand. This will help the paper to build the brand loyalty. Pricing strategy: In the era when free newspaper are booming, paid -for newspaper are reconsidering their pricing strategy. Pricing is a key strategic tool in the battle for increased circulation. Different strategies are adopted by the newspapers to increase readerships loyalty and profitability. Over the period of years the times followed the various pricing strategy to compete with its rivals such as the guardian, the independent, the telegraph and many more. In early 90s the times as a market leader in the industry followed a predatory strategy. It reduced its price, the managers were of the opinion that this will help in increasing demand elasticity over a period of time and it would eventually rise sufficiently to componsatefor the price cut. This price cut strategy helped the times it increase its market share among other newspapers. In June 1994 the telegraph reacted to the growing share of market for the times by cutting its price and the independent followed. The Times soon responded to this by cutting its price further, although price settled down at slightly higher level soon after. By July 1998, the times price was 35p while that of Guardian ,the telegraph and the independent were 45p.THE TIMES sales was almost double than that of its competitors. This relative position stayed more or less unchanged for next five years. By 2002 there was slight decline in overall market for UK broadsheet. The sales of the times were running jus t over 7, 00,000daily. The decline in the newspaper ,market was mainly because of growth of internet and 24 hours TV news channels. The nature of competition changed, as a result the price competition took back seat and the times, raised its price to 60p in 2005. Along with this it introduced a new format for their paper, this increased the sale to about 6, 60,000 per day. In 2007 the time further increased its price by 5p and was priced at 65p without having any effect to its daily sales figure. The aggressive pricing strategy adopted by the times has a long lasting effect on sale pattern of UKs newspaper industry. Distribution channels: Newspaper have a unique characteristics in that they are delivered to approximately 54,000 retail outlet worldwide every day, the content changes substantially from day-to-day and the demand for them will expire by lunch time on the day of the sale. Although some other product s might share one or two of these characteristics their combination in newspaper means that the process of getting this product from supplier to consumer is substantially different from other in the industry. As a result newspaper have a distribution system that is dedicated to that one product. Unlike supply channel for many product, which are retails driven, the supply chain for newspaper is publishers led. Publishers appear a strong degree of influence over pricing volume nature of services Newspaper publisher print their newspaper by using print centers which are owned by the publisher directly or other provide printing services to publisher on agency basis. This newspaper prints are than supplied to wholesalers from there to retailers and finally to the consumers. In addition to delivery by wholesalers, some newspaper are supplied directly to consumer through subscription. The Times to reach to its customers directly, comes up with various subscription issues such as UK paper subscription, US paper subscription, E-paper subscription, overseas subscription, Times Archives etc. It also offer various discounts and offer on various subscription. Sometimes it gives gift vouchers along with subscription to attract the readers. Not only this the times also offers complimentary membership to culture+, an art and entertainment program exclusive to subscriber of times and Sunday times. Some of the highs of this subscription includes free admission to hundred of galleries, museums and historical houses priority booking for the most of the talked about plays and shows exclusive offers from sky etc It also offers various discounts to students for their subscription. SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE TIMES; SWOT stands for strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats, and it is one of the important tool to highlight the business present situation and where it could be in future. It is a strategic planning which specify the main objective of business and identifies the external and internal factors that are favorable and unfavorable for achieving the goal and objective of particular business. It mainly focuses on Strength: attributes of business those are helpful in achieving the objectives. Weakness: attributes of business those are harmful in achieving the objectives. Opportunities: external conditions those are helpful in achieving the objectives. Threats: external conditions those are harmful in achieving the objectives. Strength: strength of the business are positive element. It gives business edge over the competitor. The main strength of the times as newspaper are Being a market leader, it has a key to their success as it boosts reputation in the market. Its marketing strategy has proved to be effective. The Times has an extensive customer base which is major strength regarding sales and profits. The Times has competitively high percentage of market share among other newspapers. Weakness: weakness of a business is something which is needed to be improved as it may have negative impact on the business. Reputation is important for the times as market leader. So it is important for it to come up with new product and services from time-to-time to be in the competition. Charging for their content on internet may have negative effect on their business. Opportunity: These are external factors, changes, trends, or needs that could help the business to evolve and grow. For the time there are ample of opportunities available such as Capturing new market by offering new product such as overseas subscription, sports handbook etc can help the times to increase its readership. It can expand its online presence by improving and providing wide range of services through their websites. Forming strategic alliance could help the times to raise its circulation and increase its readership. Expanding product line can also help the time to capture major market share among its competitors. Threats: These are external factors which may restrict, damage, or put the business at risk. These are factors which are outside companys control and may prove harmful for growth. The possible threats that can affect the times newspaper are Price war between the competitors may unsteady the pricing strategy of the times Raising operation costs could be the major downfall for the times as it affects the overall profits of the business. Many free journal available can affect the readership of the paper at large E-business strategy of newspaper industry; Once the strong print business sector, newspapers are now struggling with declining circulation, shrinking classified advertisement and proliferation of competition. But despite of significant challenges, the industry also finds itself at a crossroad that presents significant opportunity for this business to evolve and grow. In past few years a number of interesting trends emerged, one of the most significant being digital media publishing and online monetization. Internet effect on newspaper is uninterested, how to accommodate the digital age remains one of the industrys key dilemmas. Now the industry is changing the marketing strategy and the emergences of digital media from wireless device to e-reader to social network, almost all newspaper have their own website. Both TV internet bring news to consumer faster n in more visual style than newspaper. This competing medium also offers opportunity to use moving image and sounds. This print business sector recognizes the opportunity of going global and continues to invest in growth by taking the advantage of digital media. News is something you dont already know but with net able to supply this information almost instantly, newspapers have little choice but to put everything they publish everyday up on internet in the hope of keeping people on their site and returning to their site next day. Popularity of newspaper website depends up on the content of the site. Normally the content of the website is splinted in to six areas which includes The news stories After week though- this are archive stories Columnists opinion pieces E-mail services giving people a concise rundown of stories that are likely to interest them direct to their inboxes Digital facsimile of printed Newspaper Finally there are add-ons crosswords, competition games the likes. E-business strategies of the times; The times group has used a variety of online strategies to increase their online readers. In September 2008 they commissioned to build a James Bond themed Microsoft entitled Be a bond baddie The main aim of the move was to promote Times online coverage of James Bond on their website give added value to PR of the time raise awareness for Times online readership generate large amount of traffic repeats visitors. Times online were thrilled with the result interim of traffic uptake application. Not only this Times online entered into editorial initiative aimed at improving spellings for school Childers around UK. This program was launched as their educational initiative with the aim of attracting peer group. The main objective behind this program was to uplift the Times circulation, to contribute to establishing The Times as a market leader in education. the result was successful as number of registration exceeded expectation site continues to experience the high volume of traffic with over 50,000nviews since launch. Times Online, the website of the Times Sunday times has launched a global internet edition. Most overseas visitors to the website are directed to new paper as a default view which rebalanced away from domestic content will feature more foreign news comments. UK readers are able to switch back forth between the two editions. According to times editor, Robert Thomson, going global was an important movement in the long distinguished history of paper Its primary aim is to give a traditionally less parochial front page (peter Bale, online editor of times) This strategy of going global was adopted with the intension of capturing the worlds market developing a reader loyalty. With growing competition the newspaper is coming up with different strategy to capture major market share by increasing its readership. The Times is launching an internet television services. It now has a news agency style video feed which is a starting point for broader introduction of video service. It will help in generating more content will help in becoming village seqarefor videos. It will also invite reader to send their video to the news site will add future texture by providing link on the site. This will help the reader to get more reliable information on video. Not only is this to attract the reader The Times planning to launch separate website for its Sunday edition The Sunday Times. This website will be available to reader by the end of this November. Newspaper industry very well incorporated the technological changes in their business. Having website has helped in increasing its readership significantly. But the cost of having such website is quite high. The struggle has always been how to make money by charging for content while also keeping as many as people returning to the site. And also course there is ever present back of the mind fear that the diverse online content will stop people buying newspaper. To cope with this situation, The Times, in terms of overall UK market introduced a crossword archive subscription services in 2008.Not only this they started charging for their online content. The general manager of Times paper Paul Hayes said the free ride is over day of free content have gone. The Times was first to charge for their content on net. According to The Times manager, every aspect of site need to support itself with its own revenue stream that is why they stared charging for its archives, for digital version of paper its law report. Despite of charging The Times has around 2million unique users. The main aim of the Times is to be the best newspaper in the world. The goal is to deliver accurate, intelligent engaging information to an ever large, ever more discerning audiances.The role of The Times as newspaper has evolved due to changes in information provision. Proliferation of satellite, TV channels, radio stations, the internet has helped the times to satisfy every need of its readers. Future of newspaper in 21st century; The future of newspaper has been widely debated as the industry has faced down soaring newsprint price, slumping ad sales, loss of much classified ads, drop in circulation. In recent years number of newspaper has slated for closure, bankruptcy or serves cutbacks. Revenue has plugged while competition from internet media has squeezed print publication. The debate has been more urgent, as a Deeping recession has shaved profits as once expensive growth in newspaper web revenue has leveled off forestalling what the industry hoped would become important source of revenue. The issue is whether the newspaper industry is being hit by cyclical trough, or whether new technology has reduced obsolete newspaper in their traditional formats. Facing these challenges, newspaper are considering combining to survive. Newspaper industry has always been cyclical the industry has weathered previous troughs. But with television arrival explosion of internet the first decade of 21stcentury increased the panoply of media choice available to reader while further cutting into newspapers begancy as source if news. Both TV internet bring news to the consumer faster in a more visual style than newspapers. This competing medium also offers opportunity to use moving image sound. Technological revolution has meant that reader accustomed to waiting for daily newspaper can now receive up-to-the -minute update from web portals. This new revenue stream, newspapers website, often takes away fraction of sum generated by the previous ads circulation driven revenue stream so newspaper have been forced to curtail their overhead while simultaneously trying to entice news users. Expanding reach of broadband internet access, many newspapers have faced several problems such as falling ad revenue plugging circulation. Ultimately the newspaper of future may bear little resemblance to newsprint edition familiar to older reader. It may become a by bird, part print part internet or perhaps eventually go fully digital. However the transition from print page to whatever comes next will likely be fought with challenges, both for newspaper and for its customers. The paper in newspaper may go away but the news will still remain. The paper is dynamic, but its just a device. Replacing it with pixel is better experience.(according to bill Keller, executive editor of Newyork times) Many more changes may happen in the worlds fast growing Newspapers market. The world is becoming more digital but the technology has helped newspapers as much as the internet. Making technological changes work for them or instead of them, will decide whether newspaper remain vital or road kill on the information superhighway. Newspaper had justified their existence with energy, creativity integrity. Thus, as of now it can be concluded that newspaper has remained open has welcomed technological changes. It has changed in every scene be it appearance, or marketing or using web according to time advent of technology to serve its objective of providing information keeping in mind the interest of customers.
History of Computing Essay -- Computers Technology Software Essays
History of Computing 1 General principles 1 2 Etymology (Where the word is from) 2 3 The exponential progress of computer development 2 4 Classification of computers 2 4.1 Classification by intended use 2 4.2 Classification by implementation technology 3 4.3 Classification by design features 3 4.3.1 Digital versus analog 3 4.3.2 Binary versus decimal 4 4.3.3 Programmability 4 4.3.4 Storage 4 4.4 Classification by capability 4 4.4.1 General-purpose computers 4 4.4.2 Special-purpose computers 6 4.4.3 Single-purpose computers 6 4.5 Classification by type of operation 6 5 Computer applications 6 5.1 The Internet 7 6 How computers work 7 6.1 Instructions 8 6.2 Memory 8 6.3 Processing (Processor) 8 6.4 Control (Control Unit) 9 6.5 Input and output 9 6.6 Architecture 9 6.7 Programs 9 6.7.1 Operating system 10 7 Sources: 10 A computer is a device or machine for making calculations or controlling operations that are expressible in numerical or logical terms. Computers are made from components that perform simple well-defined functions. The complex interactions of these components give computers the ability to process information. If correctly configured, a computer can be made to represent some aspect of a problem or part of a system. If a computer is configured in this way is given input data, then it can automatically solve the problem or predict the behavior of the system. 1 General principles Computers can work through the movement of mechanical parts, electrons, photons, quantum particles or any other well-understood physical phenomenon. Although computers have been built out of many different technologies, nearly all popular types of computers have electronic components. Computers may directly model the problem being solved, in the sense that the problem being solved is mapped as closely as possible onto the physical phenomena being exploited. For example, electron flows might be used to model the flow of water in a dam. Such analog computers were once common in the 1960s but are now rare. They are practically dead. In most computers today, the problem is first translated into mathematical terms by r... ...this time sharing. Newer generations of CPU’s really uses HT-technologie (e.g. Intel processors). But there are also processors with more than one processing unit on it. AMD calls them dual-core processors. 6.7.1 Operating system When a computer is running it needs a program, whether or not there is useful work to do. In a typical desktop computer, this program is the operating system (OS). The operating system decides which programs are run, when, and what resources (such as memory or input/output - I/O) the programs will get to use. The operating system also provides a layer of abstraction over the hardware, and gives access by providing services to other programs, such as code ("drivers") which allow programmers to write programs for a machine without needing to know the intimate details of all the attached electronic devices. Most operating systems that have hardware abstraction layers also provide a standardized user interface. The most popular OS remains the Windows family of operating systems. Most computers are very small, very inexpensive computers embedded in other machinery. These embedded systems have programs, but often lack a recognizable operating system.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Theories of Aggression Essays -- Biology Essays Research Papers
Theories of Aggression "Two Gunman at Colorado School Reportedly Kill Up to 23 Before Dying in a Siege." On Tuesday, April 20, 1999, two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, of Columbine High School, shocked the nation when they entered the school armed with guns and explosives, killing fellow students and a teacher before taking their own lives. Stories of random violence and aggression such as this all too often plague the media. While the attention of the nation has recently been focused on the Colorado slayings, history reveals countless other similar crimes of aggression targeted towards innocent individuals. In both Nazi Germany and the more recent Bosnia conflict, ethnic cleansing has been used to violently eliminate certain races. In the early 1990s, Timothy McVegh's vengeful intentions led him to use a car bomb to kill hundreds of innocent people in the explosion of the Oklahoma City Federal Building. In these cases, the culprits were seemingly normal people that displaced their aggression on innocent bystanders for a variety of reasons. What is the cause of this unleashed aggression toward society? How can we come to explain such acts of aggression and violence? Are they a result of societal influences, or are some individuals biologically predisposed to crime? This paper attempts to analyze some of the prevailing theories of aggression. The theories can be classified into three groups: innate or biological theories, drive theories and social learning theories. In light of the evidence produced for each, it is my goal to formulate a conclusion about which particular theory seems most substantiated and reasonable. Sigmund Freud is well known as the father of psychoanalysis. In his early theory, Freud ass... ...h murders and violence, we must regard aggression as a summated response to many factors. Individually, the factors probably are harmless, but when united, they can be unleashed as aggression in which case terrible crimes take the lives of so many innocent people. WWW Sources 1)Freud's Theory 2)Freud Biography 3)Instinct Theory 4)Aggression Theories 5)Theories of Aggression 6) The Theoretical Development of Aggression 7) Aggression and Violence: Examining the Theories
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Arguments Made in Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry
Arguments Made In Take The Tortillas Out Of Your Poetry Even though the cultural and veiled censorships have to do with why they won't let his book be read, he talks about why he wrote the novel, that it was a reflection of his childhood, and that censors only paid attention to one detail and that was the so-called bad words in Spanish and they used that as an excuse because the novel did not meet the criteria of the circumstances. The censors used a technique where they zoomed in on one detail of the novel and made it seem that because it was in Spanish, it had profanity in it.Rudolfo Anaya made a great point when he said that if we leave the tortillas out of our poetry meaning cultural values, then the cultural we're portraying will go unnoticed therefore leaving Anaya, his Chicano readers, and us as readers left wondering why something should be judged because it's so different from what we as his readers known all our lives. We are in a way are told what is best with what we shou ld read and that these censors are at work in all areas of our lives. Rudolfo Anaya says that censorship has affected him directly and how it recently affected a friend of his as well.His friend is a Chicano poet and scholar and good one. He says he has been encouraging Chicano writers to apply for literary fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts. What happened to his friend was that he applied for the literally fellowship but was turned down twice, but he did not give up. They both knew that many of the panels that judged the manuscripts did not have readers that could read Spanish or bilingual manuscripts. His friend then went on saying to him, â€Å"You know,†he told me, â€Å"if they can't read my bilingual poetry, next time I apply I am sending them only poems I write in English.My best poetry is bilingual, it reflects our reality, it is the way we speak, the way we are. But if I stand a better chance at getting a fellowship in English, I will send that. B ut the poems I write only in English are really not my best work. It's just not me. †(Rudolfo Anaya 68). He talks about why he wrote the novel, that it was a reflection of his childhood, and that censors only paid attention to one detail and that was the so-called bad words in Spanish and they used that as an excuse. He goes on to say had they read the novel, they would have discovered that it is not about profanity.In his exact words he says, â€Å"the novel was a reflection of my childhood, a view into the Nuevo Mexicano culture of a small town. I looked at values, I looked at folkways, I created heroic characters out of poor farmers. I wrote about old healing remedies used by the folk to cure physiological illness. I elevated what I found in my childhood, because that is the way I had experienced my childhood. †(Anaya 71). He goes on to say that he believes that the reason why schools burned his books was because they did not want a reflection of his way of life in school.The country was not yet involved with cultural diversity. Chicanos were very upset and disappointed about this because they believed they had a right to literature in their books. That is why the 1990 attack on the NEA by fundamentalist censors has created a national rage and discussion. People have spoken out on their right of freedom of expression and that even though they tried to get others to see their point of view on this, they had to deal with these vicious attacks on their freedom and their storytelling.I think he makes a good point when he is trying to make readers understand that he wrote this novel for himself and for others to read and understand his childhood and what it is like having a Mexican/Indian background and what he and others close to him had to go through because of it. The most important reason is we are in a way told what is best with what we should read and that these censors are at work in all areas of our lives is because â€Å"There is only on e magazine that tells you what is right and what is wrong with our cultural life today. â€Å"Do you sometimes have the impression that our culture has fallen into the hands of the barbarians? †And, finally, â€Å"Are you apprehensive about what the politics of ‘multiculturalism’ is going to mean to the future of civilization? †(Rudolfo Anaya 72). Rudolfo Anaya then goes on to tell us that the editor is telling us that he knows what is right or wrong with cultural life which then goes on to call those types of people, â€Å"barbarians. †The barbarians are then identified as those who come from multicultural communities of this country.That was a type of censorship that was focused against the National Endowment for the Arts in the halls of Congress in 1990. The censors attacked a couple funded projects because they did not agree with the works of the novels. The censors took those rights to keep these works away from us. He then concluded to say censors are afraid of our liberation. Censorship is un-American, but the censor keeps telling you it is the American way. I do not think it is right that Rudolfo Anaya and other Chicano poems or stories get judged because they are written from a ifferent point of view and their culture is different from everyone else's. If it has meaning to it and teaches the audience who is reading it something different than what they are used to then I believe it should be allowed to read. For example, the role of Ultima is important because she is Antonio's guide and mentor in a way and her teachings bring him to understand a different and mystical world all about the Hispanic/Indian culture.It is also not just teaching him about the Hispanic/Indian culture, but also its audience and just because the panel of judges did not have any Spanish readers does not mean that there are not some out there and it should be give a chance. In conclusion, he says every Chicano poem or story carried within it the cry of desire for freedom and equality. That is what literature should do: liberate. There is a lot of different censorships in this essay including cultural and veiled that are two different censorships, but then again also the very same when they are going against something that is not necessarily wrong.Also, he talks about which is ideal because it gives you a sense of what these censorships look for which is one little mistake and when they find one, they simply toss your work aside and don't really look at it or give it a chance. Just because something is different from what you are used to, whether it be a book, a person you meet in a store, or maybe place you never been before you should not judge it right away just because it is different. Hence the old saying is true: â€Å"Don't judge a book by it's cover. â€
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