Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Solidarity and purposefulness Essays
Solidarity and purposefulness Essays Solidarity and purposefulness Paper Solidarity and purposefulness Paper The play I am studying is called The Inspector Calls. In this essay I will assess the dramatic impact of the inspector in the play with reference to one other character in the play. The Inspector Calls was written in 1945 but set in 1912. This means that the audience has insight into the future. For example when Mr Birling states The Titanic-she sails this week-forty-six thousand eight hundred tons-forty six thousand eight hundred tons- New York in five days-and every luxury-and unsinkable. In this situation the audience would be feeling rather smug because they know that the Titanic does sink. Priestly was aiming to show that everybody in the society should be responsible for their own actions instead of just thinking of themselves. He also shows that people should be treated with the same respect whoever they are. Lastly Priestly tries to make people think about their place in society and the effects of their actions. This is revealed as Priestly takes each character in turn and explains to them and the family how their actions have affected Eva Smith. Before the Inspector arrived the well off family, The Birlings, who wrongly believe they are better than other families, were having a party to celebrate their daughter Sheilas engagement to a man called Gerald Croft who was also very well off. Everyone appeared extremely happy and all of them friendly to each other like a family. Then the Inspector entered. The lighting changes from pink and intimate to brighter and harder. The effect of this is that the audience becomes aware that a more sinister atmosphere is approaching and also increases the temper and emotions in the characters. Also making the play more watch able for the audience. The Inspector immediately quietens the atmosphere. By doing this he makes the mood of the celebration tense. He does this by singling out one person personally and asking the questions he imposed specifically to them. He is described as a not very big man. However he also states that he creates a massiveness, solidarity and purposefulness. Priestly also describes him by saying that he speaks carefully, weightily and has a disconcerting habit of looking hard at the person he addresss before speaking. There is an air of menace about him, unlike the other characters in the play. He is single minded in pursuing his chosen line of investigation. He is so certain about his facts that he unsettles the audience because they can tell that there is something strange about him. When the Inspector is around nobody challenges his version of events. This is because he speaks with a lot of authority so nobody questions him and immediately thinks he is right. However the other characters question these facts after he has left. The Inspector is extremely confident when speaking. This conveys to the audience that he is more powerful than the other people in the house. Furthermore it makes him seem strange and suspicious to the audience. This is because he seems to know everything the family is going to say before they say it. Also, he does not really uncover the truth, he already knows it. He only uncovers it for the characters benefit. This makes him not like a real police inspector because they uncover the truth creating tension. The Inspector acts like a narrator in the play. He tells the story at his own pace. The Inspector links separate incidents into one coherent life story. He often supplies dates or fills in back ground. This adds to the tension because the audience does not know where and from whom the Inspector got the dates and the character background information. He undermines that the characters complacent assumption that they are decent citizens. Each character finds this a devastating experience. The characters that resist telling the Inspector the truth suffer more than people who are open with him. For example the Inspector says to Gerald . if youre easy with me, Im easy with you. He makes no judgement upon Gerald and also tries to stop Sheila from blaming herself too much. However he begins to loose patience with Mr Birling. For instance Dont stammer and yammer at me again, man. Im losing patience with you people He is an enigmatic figure. We never learn his first name causing the audience to wonder who he really is. He neither changes nor develops, but frequently repeats, I havent much time. This creates tension because the audience do not know why he has so little time. Inspector Gooles name is a pun on ghoul a malevolent spirit or ghost. He could be seen as some kind of spirit, sent on behalf of the dead girl to torment the consciences of the characters in the play, or as a sort of policeman conducting an inquiry as a preliminary to the Day of Judgement, or even as a for warming of things to come. This adds to the tension because the audience does not know who the Inspector is. Priestly did not want to tell the audience who the Inspector really is. To reveal his identity as a hoaxer or some kind of spirit would have spoilt the unresolved tension that is so effective at the end of the play. The Inspector behaves as the voice of social conscience. For example You see, we have to share something. If theres nothing else, well have to share our guilt. He is a socialist meaning that he believes that everyone should share. The character I am studying is called Eric and he is Mr Birlings son. Eric is characterised as half shy, half assertive. At the beginning of the play he did not know what his parents were really like and at the end of the play he did not like their real personalities. He conveys the difference between young men and older men. This is shown when Eric does not catch onto the jokes Mr Birling and Gerald share. For example in Act one when the Inspector rings the doorbell, Gerald and Mr Birling shares a joke and Eric says, Here what do you mean? and when he realises it was a joke he says Well, I dont think its very funny. This shows the difference in age between the three and also makes Eric seem very young like hes being treated like a young child. When Eric says Here, what. he does not share the joke again between Mr Birling and Gerald. He attracts attention, and then suspicion, by his evident alarm at the news of the Inspectors visit. This makes the audience think that Eric could be hiding something. Eric arouses curiosity with his sudden guffaw in Act one. This may mean that Eric knows something about Gerald that the others do not because Sheila has just been scolding Gerald for not seeing her over the summer because of his work.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Protists Organisms in the Kingdom Protista
Protists Organisms in the Kingdom Protista Protists are organisms in the kingdom Protista. These organisms are eukaryotes, meaning they are made up of single or multiple cells which all contain a nucleus enclosed by a membrane. The protists are a diverse group of eukaryotes that cannot be classified as animals, plants, or fungi. Organisms in the Protista kingdom include amoebae, red algae, dinoflagellates, diatoms, euglena, and slime molds. How Protists Are Defined Protists are defined by how they obtain nutrition and how they move. Protists are typically divided into three categories, including animal-like protists, plant-like protists, and fungus-like protists. Protists vary in how they move, which can range from cilia, flagella, and pseudopodia. In other words, protists move by microscopic hair that flaps together, by a long tail that moves back and forth, or by extending its cell body, similar to an amoeba. Nutritionally, protists tend to gather energy in a variety of ways. They can either eat food and digest it inside of themselves, or they may digest outside of their bodies by secreting enzymes. Other protists, like algae, perform photosynthesis and absorb energy from sunlight to make glucose. Animal-Like Protists Some protists look like animals and are typically referred to as protozoa. Most of these types of protists are made up of a single cell and are similar to animals in nature because they are heterotrophs and able to move around. While they are not considered animals themselves, it is often thought that they may be a shared ancestor. Examples of animal-like protists include: Zooflagellates – flagellaSarcodines – extensions of cytoplasm (pseudopodia)Ciliates – ciliaSporozoans Plant-Like Protists There is also a large and diverse group of protists that are plant-like and known as algae. While some are single-celled, others like seaweed have multiple cells. For example, one type of protist in the marine environment is Irish moss, which is a species of red algae. More plant-like protists include: DinoflagellatesDiatomsEuglenoidsRed algaeGreen algaeBrown algae Fungus-Like Protists Lastly, there are funguss of fungus-like protists may include: DictyosteliomycotaMyxomycotaLabyrinthulomycotaOomycetes The Benefits to Our World Protists are important to the world in several ways. You may be surprised to learn that chalk is made from the fossil shells of protists, which is helpful in our classrooms and our childrens creativity and play. Additionally, protists produce oxygen which is helpful for the planet. Many protists have a high nutritional value which can help improve illnesses. Protists like protozoa are used in foods like sushi and are good for our water, as protozoa are used to prey on bacteria and help to clean water for us to use.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Computer Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Computer Assignment - Essay Example (See PARC History) They have also partnered with SolFocus, Inc. to develop new concentrator photovoltaic systems, which may lead to the creation of less-expensive solar power. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are visionaries who helped to create the world of personal computers and computing as we know it today. Without both of their ideas, and their willingness to risk it all for those ideas, personal computers might not have become a staple in many homes throughout the world. Their enthusiasm proved to be infectious and as time has shown well merited. They were able to take the ideas and works of others and refine them, build upon them, and make them their own. If Steve Jobs had never gone to PARC users of computers wouldn't be able to point and click with their mice. If Bill Gates had not bought Seattle Computer Products' QDOS there would not has been MS-DOS and IBM's PCs might not have become such a big success. There biggest commonality is their ability to sell semi-functional products to people and make them believe that they got their money's worth. Apple's first computers crashed with some regularity and many people joke about having to open and close Windows to make it work. But people kept buying their products, knowing that they didn't function fully or properly because these men were dynamic salesmen. They were the P.T. Barnum's of the personal computing industry. These are just a few of their similarities, but they are two very different people, as is proven by the paths their lives have taken since their careers began. Steve Jobs is said to be attitudinal, conceited, and cruel to underlings, as is Bill Gates according to former staff members and writers, but Job's attitude has forced him to keep moving from company to company and idea to idea. His attitude and behavior forced him out of a project he was leading at Apple and led to his being forced into an office with nothing to do. Jobs' antinetworking attitude may have held him back from being a bigger success. Though the Next computer, introduced in 1988, had built in Ethernet networking capabilities, his insistence "that the proper use of his computer was to transfer data on a removable disk," led to his refusing orders for NeXT computers to buyers who
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Scar that the World Will Never Forget Essay
The Scar that the World Will Never Forget - Essay Example †1 David Sedivy also asked the same way, â€Å"How does the son of an Austrian factory worker come to European power and become responsible for the deaths of as many as 35 million people?†2 Another mind boggling question is how can Hitler, an Austrian born, become a leader followed blindly by millions of German and Aryan raced- soldiers? The magnitude of the annihilation and the atrocities committed by Hitler’s regime are definitely mind boggling. "Holocaust" is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire." 3 What is important at this point is to share and retell this saga over and over again to all generations for them to learn insights that will guide, strengthen behaviors and enable people to think within the moral framework of a human being. In short, the question here is whether this event deserves to have a moral imperative. The succeeding discussion would support the stance that the Holocaust education, in particular, deserves to be given a moral imperative. The Saga of Gerswin Kunze during the Holocaust. Present day 21st century setting†¦ as I was doing my daily inspection of every room in our house until I reached that special room which contains our memorabilia. It houses priceless heirloom items and family bloodline photos capturing fond memories of our great family celebrations until I stopped to pause on one frame that brings back memories of being a survivor of the World War II Holocaust. Suddenly, I felt again that strange shivers and goose pimples in my arms. The deja vu feeling crept into my body which was a mixed feeling of fear, sadness and joy. It reminded me of a dark past which I really do not want to reminisce again. But people whom we loved and witnessed how they perished in the merciless executions of the Nazis kept telling us that whoever outlives this saga should tell the world about these nightmares so that this would never happen again. Suddenly flashes of events came back to my memory. This is my story. 1929 – The Germany’s Economic Depression. I am Gerzwin Kunze, from Poland born to a Jewish family in a small called Krzepicea. I was 14 years old then and still studying. My father was a businessman. One day, I did not understand what was going on. I saw my father joining angry crowds marching on the streets holding banners and shouting to air their complaints. There was one time when my father brought me along to walk on the streets with him. He brought me with him just to get a feel of what was going on. There were lots of people shouting, orations delivered. He asked me to hold tight, keep close and instructed me what to do if ever I get separated from him. Learning that I was with my father on the streets, my mother rushed to find us and immediately brought me back home for fear that any untoward incident may happen during the rally. When the right time came, I learned that Germany lost World War I and as a consequence now experienced economic downturn. â⠂¬Å"On October 29, 1929 marked the collapse of stock U.S. market triggering a worldwide economic depression.†4 â€Å" Germany’s economy was then highly dependent on foreign trade so it was imperative that it was inevitable for it to experience economic downfall which adversely affected people’s livelihood.†5 Its effects sparked spontaneous protests: â€Å"As production levels fell, German workers were laid off. Along with this, banks failed throughout Germany.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Gender and Leadership Essay Example for Free
Gender and Leadership Essay The seemingly never-ending battle between the descendants of Mars and Venus has permeated the corporate setting. The workplace has transformed into a fierce arena that directly witnesses the competition between men and women. Who performs better? Who is a better leader? These questions are often encountered within corporate environments. However, based from a critical examination, one cannot help but wonder whether gender readily define and determine the individual’s competence and efficiency. This is most especially true as for the case of relegating leadership and managerial roles. Despite of strong efforts to eliminate, if not totally, eliminate gender bias, women continues to suffer from discrimination and unequal distribution of power. On a deeper context, this dilemma is triggered not by the apparent lack of talent and skills of women. Moreso, the unequal treatment is attributed to one’s gender or sexual orientation. Discussion Former President Bill Clinton’s statement which places heavy emphasis on having a â€Å"new gender of leadership†can be interpreted in several ways. First, the said statement may pertain to the act of reconstructing the gender-based leadership roles in the corporate environment. As previously mentioned, the work place is highly patriarchal orientation. Having said this, such scenario therefore demands not only gender sensitivity, but more of recognizing and acknowledging the contributions of women employees. Oftentimes, women, despite of their hard work, are frequently neglected and taken for granted. Thus, having a new gender then, equates to providing new perspectives and approaches on how to address gender-related issues such as leadership, for example. Secondly, the statement may also refer to the actual replacement of male leaders. Clinton’s argument could be also understood as a rallying cry to eventually topple patriarchal hegemony in the corporate setting. But then again, regardless of the various interpretations given to such statement, one thing is clearâ€â€gender equality and opportunity should be readily exemplified in the workplace (Davidson Burke, 2000). Men and women should be given equal chance to pursue career growth and at the same time, showcase their skills and abilities. However, the bitter truth is that women employees continue to struggle and feasible solutions have not been made. There are different factors that seem to exclude women from the core functions of the workplace. First of all, women are constantly subjected into positions in which they cannot fully participate in decision-making activities. Sound and healthy decision-making skills are strict prerogatives of a competent leader. However, it seems impossible for women to develop such skills since they are denied of the chance and opportunity to put their talents into the test. In addition to that, the patriarchal ethos that prevails in corporate arenas leaves no choice for women but to continuously exert more effort in order to prove their value and worth. Relatively, the normative leadership traits attributed to women are also one of the reasons behind the lack of opportunity to acquire leadership roles. In many cases, women as leaders, are often questioned and to a certain extentâ€â€criticized when it comes to formulating concrete decisions (Hartmann-Tews Pfister, 2003). Women are perceived to constantly change their minds, which is a proven weakness, most especially in highly critical situations. In addition to that, women as overtly emotional beings are also being challenged since leadership roles heavily demand an authoritative figure. Also the idea that male leaders, are more likely to take risks, thus, manifesting a strong sense of competence, further subjects women into derogatory positions. But nonetheless, a careful analysis shows that the above-mentioned leadership characteristics of women are highly stereotyped. The truth of the matter is, gender can hardly affect the individual’s management and leadership traits. These two core functions are not innateâ€â€rather it is developed and improved via constant exposure to situations that require a pragmatic approach. Yet, as explained, exposure and career opportunities are often denied from women. Conclusion The call for a new gender in leadership, more than anything else, serves as a challenge to the whole corporate set-up. Everyday, a new breed or generation of efficient leaders and managers shall come into life. However, it is important to note that these commendable leaders are not determined by their gender. Regardless of whether an individual is a man or a woman, the ability to rule and govern are not exclusive to a specific gender. Being a leader is a right, not a mandated privilege. Therefore, in such a case in which discrimination and inequality may still persist, indeed, former President Clinton is correct; a new gender of leadership must be readily formed and established. However, this gender should be characterized by neutrality and not by socially-constructed terms such as being â€Å"male or female. †References Davidson, M. and Burke, R. (2000). Women in Management. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Hartmann-Tews, I. and Pfister, G. (2003). Sport and Women. London: Routledge
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
Blade Runner is exemplified as a dystopia that predicts a future city that sustains corporate capitalism’s worst features, such as urban decay, extreme gaps between wealth and poverty, and authoritative police work. The film depicts an urban city that, due to capitalism, coalesced into a polluted, overpopulated city controlled by monopolies. Roger Ebert describes the city, Los Angeles, in the film as, "The skies are always dark with airborne filth in this Los Angeles of the future. It usually rains. The infrastructure looks a lot like now, except older and more crowded." He believes the film has "one of the most extraordinary worlds ever created..." and gives it the honor of joining his greatest movies collection. This film is a multi-genre film science fiction and film noir which creates a very unique stylistic world. The film is characterized in the science fiction genre with flying vehicles police cars and advertising blimpsâ€â€, the futuristic city with congested streets, and advanced technologyâ€â€picturesque billboards, Voight-Kampf machine, picture phones, and voice activated photo analyzers. It also depicts the movie genre of film noir with its low-key lighting consistent throughout Bryant’s office and Deckard’s apartment, the claustrophobic framing with various charactersâ€â€the overcrowded nightclubâ€â€, heavy shadows caused by venetian blinds in Deckard’s apartment, and the rain soaked landscapes during the night. The scene I chose takes place after Deckard has â€Å"retired†two replicants, and has discovered the location Roy Beatty and Pris. The scene follows Deckard as he hunts down Pris, right before the final encounter where he battles Roy. I chose this scene for its attention to detail and captivating visual aesthetic. It ... ...l map of the location in our minds. This suspense continues to build until he meets Pris and she attacks him. The cuts get immediately more frequent and induce a feeling of shock and surprise in the audience. Framing is another way Ridley Scott compares the futuristic to the classical. For example, in the opening shots of this scene, the landscape depicts one of the main themes of the film a relationship between classical and futuristic. In the establishing shot of this scene, European style apartments cover the foreground and the neon city landscape dominates the background. This separation of the buildings shows the divide between the old and new societies in the film. While the two building are far apart in reality, the camera creates the illusion that they are side by side and places Deckard in the middle, giving him a choice between the familiar and unknown.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Film Reflection “Home†Essay
Film Reflection: â€Å"HOME (2009)†Title : Home year : 2009 Director : Yann Arthus-Bertrand Watch (Your) Home! I watched the documentary Home recently, and really, earth is so magnificent. So many beautiful shots, such an eye-opener of the need of every part of nature. I really loved this documentary about our home. Besides all the gorgeous pictures of the earth and its nature, I really enjoyed one specific scene about trees (00:47:48). This scene explains why trees are important for our living; why they are â€Å"the cornerstone f the climatic balance on which we all depend†. In the background a sad, sensitive song is sung. A man is singing solo and uses his dark, deep voice, as if he were mourning. The combination of sounds are like an introduction of the sad following message: 20% of the biggest rainforest have been cut down. The music fits so perfectly with this message, that it caught me and made me aware of the gravity of the overconsumption of wood. Just an example of how one and a half hours of pictures, voice and music changed me and my ideas toward the environmental issue. Change Change. I use that word conscious. And it should change everybodys mind, because the whole movie isn’t Just filled with gorgeous pictures about the earth and its perfect balance, but also with the destructive influence of humanity. Everything is linked together, everything is connected and all our actions are affecting natures balance. The consumption of water, wood and the need for oil: everything affects natures balance. That is the message of this documentary, and I was shocked about my, maybe our unconsciousness. It looks like the delicate balance of nature is going to be disturbed drastically if we continue behaving like this. Did you know? This message shocked me and changed my ideas toward the environmental issue. You and l, as home sapiens, should change this. But, can we? Business responsibility Like I said, natures balance is changed by our consumption manners. Consumption starts with production. I think production companies have a great responsibility in the solution for our home planet. Since a few years organizations give attention to he â€Å"green issue†– their responsibility in these environmental problems. They come up with issues like sustainability. I always thought these were particularly attempts to gain market share. Social environment has changed since the upcoming warnings about environmental issues; consumers expected organization to implement ‘green production ways’. To satisfy (and behold) its customers, organizations might have I’ve seen this movie â€Å"Home†, I see that organizations really have a great responsibility in changing the tide. Their decisions could be made with the sincere aim. But at the same time I think organization could make much more radical decisions if the really want to. Couldn’t organization decide to turn down product quality to improve environmental quality; to minimize the use of water and electricity; maybe to renounce the increase of sales numbers and stimulate customers to extend the lifetime of products? In the last scenes of Home, Yann Arthus-Bertrans gives a lot of examples of how companies reacted drastically towards the environmentally problems. It requires courage, will and moreover consciousness. Organization must be aware of the fact that their actions, their plans and strategies are linked to natural resources, to the future of our planet. Our home. Together Awareness and decisiveness amongst diverse operating organization can make a difference, I think. But the problem should be tackled together. All competitors should agree on â€Å"green†production, to prevent one competitor is competed out by doing the right thing. Only when this isn’t possible, legislation should control business activities, cause will is stronger than obligation. Also consumers like you and me have responsibility. Awareness of our habits can fade out greed, although we aren’t easily satisfied materially. When there’s the common believe we all are a shackle in the solution for environmental problems, I think it is possible consumer behavior will change, but a common believe must be created. That’s something the government should do. But also you and me can help. Tell your neighbors about the need for changes in both production and consumption. Buy this movie Home. Watch Home together, and let’s watch our home, together!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Analysis of the Black Cat Essay
â€Å"I neither expect nor solicit belief†explains that the narrator does not expect the reader to believe the story they’re about to read, because he finds it unbelievable himself which is evidenced by the excerpt â€Å"Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. †With that being said the single effect of the story is alcohol induced insanity. The Black Cat†is a tale that deals with the ups, downs, and delusions of alcohol. The story is told in first person so the reader will get an intimate sense of the writer’s thoughts and feelings. The narrator at first appears to love his wife and pets, however by the end of the tale the narrator is delusional and despises his once beloved pet and its replacement. His alcoholism leads to madness and he hangs the first cat. This is succeeded by his house burning to the ground and his entire world of wealth with it. The narrator then â€Å"resigns himself henceforward to despair†this phrase shows him falling deeper into alcoholism and insanity. The narrator’s decent into insanity is further evident by the phrase, â€Å"when I first beheld this apparition- for I could scarcely regard it as less- my wonder and my terrors were extreme. †He continues for months that the phantasm of the cat haunted him. He then finds the second cat which is seemingly related to his alcoholism as he finds him among one of the taverns frequently visited for the purpose of intoxication. He soon finds aversion for the cat. The narrator then speaks of how he feels the cat is out to get him, as shown by the statement, â€Å"I am almost ashamed to own that the terror and horror with which the animal inspired me, had been heightened by one of the merest chimeras it would be possible to conceive†The narrator story continues with him and his wife walking into the cellar. He feels the cat tried to trip him down the stairs and enraged he swings an axe at the cat in which his wife blocks. The narrator then writes â€Å"Goaded by the interference into a rage more than demonical, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain. This shows his level of insanity increasing into murderous rage. He then sets forth without remorse to cover up the murder of his wife. The narrator’s insanity doesn’t take away from his intelligence. As G. K. Chesterton quoted â€Å"A madman is not someone who has lost his reason but someone who has lost everything but his reason†(www. goodr eads. com/qoutes). The narrator has thus shown that he is insane but also calculating. He also shows very little guilt over the murder of his wife which is witnessed by the excerpt â€Å"The guilt of my dark deed disturbed me very little. The narrator is instead feeling enlightened at this point in the story because his tormenter, the cat, is not around. Satisfied that he would not be caught; when the police did a search of his home he felt it necessary to gloat about the sturdiness of the home and tap his cane against the very wall with which he had imprisoned his wife’s dead body, he pens â€Å"No sooner had the reverberation of my blows sunk into silence, than when I was answered by a voice from within the tomb. †This second cat in the end provides justice when it reveals the hiding place of his murdered wife with its cry. This story has many elements that contribute to the single effect of alcohol induced insanity. The strongest element is character development. As previously stated, the narrator begins his tale as a seemingly normal man and as his alcoholism gets worse so does his decent into insanity. The character develops slowly over the course of the story thus making his decent into madness more believable. He creates the climb into insanity by centering his anger on the cat due to the irritation that arises within him from his alcoholism. He further exasperates the conflict between him and the cat by inflicting violence upon the brute and blaming it upon the spirit of perverseness. The character has now developed from the ostensibly normal person in the introduction to a drunken insane violent man. He continues with the characters madness but takes it further by the instant rage they caused him to murder his wife. The character then realizes the need to think clearly, intelligently and concedes to concealing his wife in the cellar wall, like the monks of the Middle Ages did their victims. The center of his insanity it would seem has disappeared with the murdering of his wife and the narrator perceives himself as no longer insane cause his tormentor has let him be. Then comes the search for his wife by the authorities and the narrator feeling good about his current disposition brags in little detail about his heinous deeds and is thrust back into madness instantly with the shrieking of his tormenting beast. The single effect of this short story is alcohol induced insanity. The narrator tells the story of how he once was sane and lucid and then began his descent into insanity because of alcoholism. The short story shows the effects alcohol could have on anyone person when drinking excessively. The effects of alcohol have been well documented throughout time and can affect each individual in a unique way, causing happiness in some and insanity in others.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
What to Do if Your Laptop is Stolen in College
What to Do if Your Laptop is Stolen in College College is difficult enough without having to worry about things like computer theft. But if the unthinkable happens and someone does walk off with your computer, an already-busy college life can suddenly get a lot more difficult. So just what are your options? Find an Immediate, Short-term Solution Its not like a computer theft ever really happens at a good time, and yet a stolen laptop does seem to occur during the worst parts of the semester. Consequently, dont make things even more challenging for yourself by not setting up some kind of alternative solution as soon as possible. Ask if you can borrow your friends laptop for a little while; see where the nearest computer lab is (as well as what hours its open); check with campus offices, like the IT department, to see if they have any loaner laptops for students whove lost their computers or had them stolen. Let Your Professors and TAs Know If you have a major assignment, midterm, or exam coming up, zip a quick email to your professor (or, better yet, talk to them in person). Keep the drama to a minimum; youre just letting them know, not using the opportunity to present excuses. It takes less than a minute to send an email saying I just wanted to let you know my laptop was stolen yesterday. While Im working to find another solution, I did want to let you know that Im doing my best to stay on schedule with assignments and other computer-based work. Even if you dont end up needing an extension, its smart to be proactive in a situation where you might need a little help. Talk to the Campus or City Police If someone ran off with your laptop, they obviously took something of high value. Even if you think you have a 0% chance of getting your computer back, its still important to file some kind of report. You might need to show something to your professor, for example, to demonstrate that you really did lose all of your work 2 days before your final paper was due. If you or your parents file an insurance claim, you might also need proof of the theft; a police report can help substantiate your loss. Additionally, if your laptop is eventually found, having something official on file can help you get it back. Let the Staff Know If your laptop disappeared in a place like your residence hall, the campus coffee shop, or the library, let the staff know. You might feel like a dummy for leaving your computer unattended while you went to the bathroom or raided the vending machine, but you still should alert the staff. If your laptop was stolen off campus, let the staff of the store or facility know as well. Look Into Replacement Options True, youll probably need a new laptop of some sort. But before rushing out to buy one, see if the theft is covered under any kind of insurance policy. Did you purchase renters insurance, for example, when you moved into your off-campus apartment? Or does your parents homeowners policy cover theft in your residence hall? A few quick phone calls can possibly save you a lot of cash, so make the effort to investigate any insurance coverage you might have but didnt think about until now. Figure Out What Data Went Missing You might be so focused on losing things for your classes like your midterm papers and research that you forget about everything else on your machine. Identity theft, however, may be a major threat for you now. Did you have any banking information saved? What about automatic logins for things like email accounts, social networks, and online stores? If theres even the slightest hint that someone might have access to your personal data, call your bank(s) right away and place a fraud alert on your credit report. Find Another Long-term Solution Unfortunately, getting another laptop right away might not be a realistic option for you, logistically or financially. If youre now stuck without your own computer, spend some time trying to find a reasonable long-term solution. (Note: Always planning on borrowing your roommates computer will get really tricky really quickly.) Check out the computer labs on your campus; make sure you know their hours and plan in advance. See if and how you can reserve a computer in the library. Check with your campus IT department to see if they offer loaner machines or if, by chance, they have an old machine you can rent or borrow for the rest of the semester. Although theres nothing like having your old laptop back, with a little creative work you can find a solution that can carry you through.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A sound mind in a sound body - Smart Custom Writing Samples
A sound mind in a sound body - Smart Custom Writing GregorThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka's is a characteristic in the genre of investigational symbolic fiction that came about in the early 20th century. The central character of the story, Gregor Samsa, is the epitome of the numbing of the soul amidst the rising of the industrial revolution. An irony in The Metamorphosis is that Gregor Samsa experiences a metamorphosis in the corporeal sense only; philosophically was always a bug and turning out to be one physically has no consequence on his satisfaction in life. According to Karl Marx, the laborer's "work is external to the worker, i.e., it does not form part of his essential being so that instead of feeling well in his work, he feels unhappy, instead of developing his free physical and mental energy, he abuses his body and ruins his mind" (Bloom 107). Gregor is the perfect symbol for what Marx is arguing about; he is estranged from the product he endeavors to generate for the reason that he doesn't own it. Further, he is actually not even laboring to earn a wage; his wages are going to settling his father's sum unpaid. When Gregor body transforms into the bug he was philosophically all alone, his alienation and isolation turns out to be complete. â€Å"Gregor Samsa's transformation into vermin presents self-alienation in a literal way,not merely a customary metaphor become fictional fact...no manner more drastic could illustrate the alienation of a consciousness from its own being than Gregor Samsa's startled and startling awakening†(Bloom 105). Lastly, Gregor's estrangement from his humankind is totally realized and physicalized: â€Å"That is to say, Samsa, having been a successful salesman, was once the pillar of his family, but now, being helpless, his sister assumes in the eyes of his parents the role of leadership and reassuring strength that he had once occupied†(Scott 37). Just like an insect is a small participant in the grander system of nature and not anticipated to experience things such as ambition or content, so does Gregor ultimately give over completely to a scheme m eant to obliterate those key workings of humanity. Bloom, Harold, ed. Franz Kafka's the Metamorphosis. New York: Chelsea House, 1988. Scott, Nathan A. Rehearsals of Discomposure: Alienation and Reconciliation in Modern Literature: Franz Kafka, Ignazio Silone, D. H. Lawrence . New York: King's Crown Press, 1952. Kafka, Franz. "The Metamorphosis." The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Vol. F: The Twentieth Century. 2nd Edition. Ed. Sarah Lawall. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2003.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Medicare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Medicare - Research Paper Example It is a program being implemented by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Medicare is divided into four parts. The first part is the Hospital insurance (Part A). This helps to pay for inpatient care in a hospital or skilled nursing facility, (after hospital stay), home health care and hospice care (Social Security Online, 2010). Medicare insurance (Part B) covers doctors’ services and other medical services and supplies which are not covered by hospital insurance (Social Security Online, 2010). Medicare Advantage (Part C) can be availed of in many areas. Those under Medicare Parts A and B can opt to receive all their health care services through the provider organizations under Part C (Social Security Online, 2010). Finally, drug coverage (Part D) assists in the payment of medications for which doctors prescribe for the treatment of their ailments (Social Security Online, 2010). Medicare is different from Medicaid. Medicaid is a program which provides aid for those who cannot afford medical services. Different states have different rules on eligibility and coverage; and in some cases, these programs do overlap and some individuals may qualify for coverage under both programs (Social Security Online, 2010). This Medicare program is significant for public health because it helps ensure that all people receive quality health care and are entitled to improved outcomes (DeWalt, Oberlander, Carey, and Roper, 2006). Some studies also point out that Medicare programs help control the cost of health care as it improves health outcomes of the people covered. It also helps prevent illnesses and reduce waiting times with doctors; and through the coordinated efforts of the Medicare programs, many states are able to encourage practices which â€Å"improve the timelessness of care and also†¦reduce the rate of no-shows to clinic appointments†(DeWalt, Oberlander, Carey, and
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